September 2005
Freeport, Bahamas
The Westin Hotel & Resort
Celebrating our 33rd Wedding Anniversary
Okay, I admit it. I stayed in our hotel room the entire time. It was awesome! 24-hour Room Service... have mercy. The U.S. Open was on and all the goings on in New Orleans and the Alabama & Mississippi coasts, all devastated by Hurricane Katrina. We watched in horror the ridiculousness at the State of Louisiana, whose Governor grossly failed them.
At the same time, Hurricane Phillipe is brewing out in the Atlantic. Looks like he's going to churn a while. He seems not a bother to us here. One thing we've learned: keep your eyes and ears open to the weather reports at all times when you live in the tropics. For that matter, do it also if on the East Coast or Gulf Coast of the U.S. during Hurricane Season. All Hell is breaking loose. That's putting it lightly. It has nothing to do with Global Warming, people, it's a Cycle that has been going on for thousands of years... we just hadn't built our home in such tremendous numbers on these Coasts back in the former "high" cycle of hurricane activity. That ended in 1995. Since 1995, we've been consistently getting hit with hurricane activity off the coast of Africa with more frequency and more power. Two Category 5's in the 2005 hurricane season already. Fortunately, Hurricane Rita backed down quite a bit and hit the coast of Texas as (ONLY) a Category 3. Geeze. Whew!