Celebrations of Life Friends & Family
Home Page Living Aboard The Boat
The Hurricane Chronicles:
The Madness of 2004
At Flamingo, the site of the famous "Mosquito Horrors."
Have a Happy & Safe
Fourth of July Holiday
Click on the link below for Fireworks!!
Charmaine & Bill
Aboard s/v September Sea
Little did we know when sending out the email out above, wishing all a Happy and SAFE Fourth of July... that the following month of August would put us in the middle of danger. It would be Bill and I who would worry our loved ones, as our safety during the hurricane season would be in question many, many times.
The other intertwining emails serve to show that life goes on regardless of hurricanes or whatever Mother Nature throws our way. Things still happen, both good and bad, to those we love who are elsewhere. People worry. We worry about one another. Our friends and family also have things going on in their lives--the fact that we're running for our lives from hurricanes certainly doesn't stop the rest of the world. It thus becomes a delicate balance as you sympathize and try to help others cope with their unique situations, while facing some dauntingly unique ones of our own. The emails are in chronological order, with the exception that associated replies are directly beneath the original email, regardless of date. Come along with us as we face an incredible six weeks of HURRICANE MADNESS.
Lighter reading highlights are:
If you're looking for hysterical MAIN EVENTS at Flamingo... check out:
an email originally sent to our dear, dear friends Peggy & Edwin Aboard m/v TIEMPO.
Another is: "Escape from the Everglades."
Many of the scads of emails I wrote during our hurricane escapes and horrors at Flamingo & the Shark River (aka The Everglades) during the Hurricane Season of 2004 have made the rounds on the internet. I'll happily grant permission for anyone to reprint what I've written, just please contact me: Charmaine@SeptemberSea.com
Also to be enjoyed is "The Hurricane Prep List." Enjoy!
Part I: Hurricane Charley
Hello all...
Looks like we might not make it back to Illinois
this week as planned.
We were to leave Friday morning and fly out of
Ft. Lauderdale.
However.... Tropical Storm Charley has the idea
to become a full
fledged Category 1 hurricane in the Keys by
Friday. YIKES I've attached a five
day forecast map of it.
Looking at hte map, we are located exactly at the "i" of the word
Friday. They say it might slip
to the east, but that's won't help us at all.
Looks like we will plan on leaving
The Keys (Marathon) tomorrow and heading to our
Hurricane Hole at Little Shark River.
It will take us about 12 hours to get there.
Lots of rope and back up
supplies and we'll get through this just fine.
We'll tie up to the mangroves
with rope out the ying-yang and wait it out.
We're sure to have plenty of
company, as others from here with their boats to
tie up at Little Shark
River as well.
Here's a picture of a great slot to slide
September Sea in while at Little Shark River:
You can see that the river has "slots." We'll
put our boat in the slot and tie
up to the mangroves all around it. The
mosquitoes there are known to
be horrible, but with the winds of the Hurricane
they won't be a bother,
I'm sure. Anyway, got our 100% Deet that the
soldiers used in Vietnam.
It works!
Somehow I'd love for Charley to go WAY east and
pass us up altogether,
but it sure doesn't look like it right now.
Wish us the best. Hope to be online again
Love yaz....
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: John Porter
Date: 08/10/04 19:49:03
To: Charmaine Smith Ladd
Good Luck on avoiding the Hurricane. I will
say prayers for you. I am going to be in
Springfield this weekend. My family is
gathering there for a possible reunion. All
my family from my mother's side are coming
to Springfield, and we hope to meet with my
father's side (The Porters.) Too bad you
can't make it, it would be good to see you
and Bill. Take care and Good bless.
Say your prayers for us... we'll make our
final decision as we read the forecast in
the morning. As quickly as
Charley turned toward us, it could possibly
veer otherwise. Let's PRAY so!
I would love to see you all, that would so
wonderful. Family reunions, how great for
you, John. I do recall a family of Porters
that lived on Washington Street back in the
day, down near the Big Four grocery store,
I believe. Do you know what I'm talking
about? ha!
One of the kids there was my age, but I
can't remember his name. He was somewhat
fair skinned and kept his hair shaved real
close to his head. Dayam, can't even think
of his name.
Anyway, I love you. I'll be in touch as
soon as I can.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September
From: Antoinette Genesis
Thinking about you babe! Been there, rode out those hurricanes! Well, shit, just throw a party!
Love you. Will say our prayers for you.
Donna & Ray
Letitia and Bill Anderson
Date: 08/11/04
September Sea
Subject: Re:
Hurricane Charley
You are in our prayers. Please
keep us informed as to your
safety and wherebouts. We love
Leittia and Bill
Will do, my Loves. We will be
out of communication range from
now until after this is over.
Even when it's over, our
hurricane hole at Little Shark
River (in the Everglades.. yes,
where the alligators love dark
meat!) won't allow us to
communicate via radio or cell
phone until we are closer to the
Therefore, you probably won't
hear from us until Monday. Keep
an eye on what's happening down
here and and soon as cell phone
communications are up and
running as of Monday you will
hear from us.
I'm sure we'll be fine, we have
another boat with a couple
onboard that are going with us.
Safety in numbers!
Love you all very, very much.
Special hugs and kisses to Bill.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
Wednesday morning, 9:25 am
Tropical Storm Charley is
predicted to become a Category 2
hurricane as it reaches the
Keys. Right
now, the probability is 28%
that its center will reach
within 75 miles of Key West.
There is another update coming
at noon. We are all ready to go
in the event that the noon
says to skeedattle. Everyone is
bustling around here, preparing
as the Mariner's Warnings are
out and
Marathon Emergency Staff is
readying for it all.
It's said that by Thursday
evening there should be winds in
excess of 60 knots with very
strong storm
surges which will produce
flooding. If Hurricane Charley
hits here, the winds are
expected to reach
in excess of 100 knots. Don't
think we want to be in a marina
where the majority of boats are
barely holding
on their anchors and self-made
mooring balls. Ouch! I can see
the flying debris in my mind...
no way!
Looks like Illinois will have to
wait a couple of weeks. If the
forecast is accurate, leaving
here right around noon will be
perfect for getting to
Little Shark sometime
in the wee hours and
anchoring outside of it. The
weather is to change by late
Thursday afternoon, evening and
by then we'll be tied up and
nestled in. Then the big hit is
predicted for Friday.
Love you both, knowing that you
two have us in mind, makes me
feel all the more safer. It's
like you're there with us.
Chris and Yanni of s/v Magus
will be joining us, so there
will be some help to the
nerves knowing there is usually
some safety in numbers.
Love you both so very, very
much. I will send you one more
email as we leave.
Smooches and Hugs and all that
stuff... and thanks for the
toast.... I felt it last night.
It felt dayam good!
Miss you both and I'm sure we'll
have some stories to catch up on
with ya after this is over.
Thanks so much for replying
right away, so glad you checked
to see that I had emailed ya.
You both are a comfort to
me, even though you aren't right
here. Now that's some kind of
special love vibes!
Hugs and kisses
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
We have to sail the boat to Little
Shark, my Love. That's the only tricky
part.... but we'll get there. Charley
be a Category 2 hurricane, expected to
hit here in the Keys on Thursday night
with high winds and tidal surges.
It will be a full fledged monster
by Friday.
We're leaving just in time. There will
be an updated forecast at noon, we'll
wait to hear that and then if things
stay the way they are, we'll be backing
out of our slip at noon and on our way.
Another couple will be in their boat but
going along with us. Safety in numbers!
Love yaz... I'm sure we'll be fine....
I know the alligators are partial to
dark meat, so I won't be doing any
(Little Shark River is in the
Everglades). Now that's a place I said
I'd NEVER go to.... what was that my
used to say about "never say never..."
or was that James Bond?
Love, Charmaine (& Bill) Aboard s/v September Sea |
From: s/v September Sea
Hello my Darlings!
Tropical Storm Charley, near Jamaica at this
point, is on its way to the Keys, due Friday,
where it is expected to become a Category 2
hurricane. We are preparing right now to leave
as of noon (when the next storm update will
be posted). If it doesn't change its pattern at
that time, we will be on our way to our
hurricane hole at Little Shark River.
Chris and Yanni aboard s/v Magus will be joining
us. We'll get there and tie up to the mangroves
tighter than a priest's sphincter when he's been
accused of child molesting. We will be out
of touch, as cell phones don't work out there in
the Everglades. I suspect that by Monday we
will be on our return trip back to Marathon and
will be in touch as soon as phone service is
up. Let's pray for the best.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: Dr. Dlugie
Date: 08/14/04 10:14:54
To: September Sea
Subject: Hurricane Charley
Dear Char,
Hope youse guys are all well and that you
and your boat took off and fled the path of
Charley!!! We know that's so if you got the
warnings in time, or if you were already out
to sea, but let us know, if you can, so we
won't worry about you.
We know you probably got 10 e-mails like
this from illinois, so a form reply will be
more than sufficient.
Our thoughts are with you,
Dr. D., Lida and Claudia
Hey Doc!
Make that 20 emails!
The puter was loaded when we got back
today... I wanted to let you and Lida know
personally that we're fine and dandy! We
actually took off on Wednesday for our
hurricane hole, the Little Shark River,
located in the Everglades (oh yeah, gotta
wear full mosquito armor and pray that an
alligator ain't hangin around!).
Unfortunately this time... we went closer
to the hurricane than if we had stayed put
in Marathon. The good thing is that the
hurricane hole is a labyrinth of tall,
stout, mangroves meandering along the river
beds. We were snug as bugs up in there....
bugs is right! We were hit with 70 knot
winds but faired well with no problems
whatsoever. We barely moved. Bill chained
the ropes to the mangroves and we had six
lines strung, three on each side of the
boat. Then we put out heavy anchors fore
and aft and were sitting like rocks in the
river. Fantastic!
Now to keep an eye on
Earl. He's moving westward down in the
Caribbean... but too close to call right
now. If he turns our way, we'll be heading
back to the Little Shark. So we're
provisioning again just in case.
Dayam, I love air
conditioning! Sitting here in our slip with
the AC blasting.... took a shower and lost
four pounds of dirt I think...
Thanks so much for
watching over us.... we could feel your good
karma and it felt so nice. Love you both.
Nice and calm here now.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September
And... a big kiss for
Bill and Charmaine
Aboard s/v September Sea
From: rudy and sue
Date: 08/16/04 09:13:42
To: s/v September Sea
Subject: Hurricane Charley
Tell me you are okay. This hurricane
stuff is something! Guy Anderson wants to contact you. Is that okay?
I brag on your life every chance I get.
Love S
You know I would LOVE to hear from Guy! Please give him my email
info and all... you'll get my other email too; letting you know
that we're safe and sound. I'll give him a call.
Love you Suzi... you're a great Sis to me, always have been.
Hugs and Kisses to you and Rudy.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
Subject: gator deer hunting (picture attached)
[Note: You'll see it later down the page.]
From: s/v September Sea
OMG that is HUGE!!!! Better
get my big ass in shape so I can get the
hell out of a gator's way next time we end
up at Little Shark River.... think I'll
start now:
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
s/v September Sea
Sent: Wednesday, July 21,
2004 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: Would you
use it? (Pics included of Sept
From: rudy and sue
Date: 08/16/04 09:57:06
To: s/v September Sea
Subject: Re: Would you
use it? (Pics included of Sept
Charly, I was re-reading your email.
Sept 1 makes how many years? 32 or
something extraordinary? Wow....
32 years.... WOW! Seems like yesterday. |
From: s/v September Sea
Hey my Darling Sis,
DAYAM, when you stopped by, I had just
gotten out of the shower... shoot! We MUST
get together while the boys are here. MOST
definitely. Even if it's just for a little
bit, we'll make the time. I heard ya out
there and hurried to get something on and
then Bill came back in and said, "They were
in the dink, I told em we were just sitting
down to eat dinner." HELL!
I could
have at least stuck my head out the fricken
companionway to say HEY to my siblings!! We
were so tired after just having got back
that afternoon from the Little Shark; but
I'm never too tired to say hey to you both.
I love you with all my heart!
Got to see my Big Twin and my Sistah's
kids... ya know! They got an Aunt they
haven't even met yet.
Love you two so very, very much. Got lots
to tell ya about the Little Shark River.
WOW! All I can say is that if a Category 5
were coming my way and I had time, I'd be
hunkered down in the Little Shark watching a
movie and eating freshly popped popcorn. It
is so sheltered there it's almost like God
provided it for us. Unbelievable.
Talk with ya soon. SMOOCHES and SO SORRY I
didn't see you last night.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
I forgot to tell you all that
Wednesday the 11th as we made our
way to Little Shark River from Marathon,
that night was the greatest
Perseids Meteor Shower I've ever seen. We
were headed north, and
the annual Perseids shower is always in the
Northeast part of the
sky, so we had an incredible view as we
sailed. They're so fast
that my little camera didn't stand a chance
to catch any, but I
found a pic on the net that was similar to
the lightshow we saw.
Some of the meteors were very large and
golden, reminding me of
the whistler fireworks that spew out every
which way. AWESOME.
There were meteors about once every three or
four minutes. I'm
telling ya, I've seen many of the Perseids
showers, but none quite
like this one. Not even the one a few years
ago that they said
would be the best in a few decades.
We were so under the gun and rushing to get
there, I completely
forgot to ask our very good friends Yanni
and Chris Aboard s/v Magus
if they had seen any of the Perseids as they
sailed down ahead of
us. Yanni and Chris were there with us
there at Little Shark, albeit
in another section of the River nearby. We
were in touch
with each other via VHF Radio. They were
troopers throughout,
and I'd go with them anywhere, anytime,
On another note, being up there in Little Shark River (yes, the Everglades are UP to us, we head North all the way there).SWAMP COUNTRY... where only the nuts go to explore (yes, I'm one of those nuts).
Mangroves and skeeters everywhere and their
roots are
almost impassable. Walking on them is like
walking on a moving
carpet that's laid over muck... the
distinct possibility that a gator
might sneak up beneath ya makes the legs
shake... so it could
just be one's legs that's really moving. I
tell ya, I'd give that area
a sphincter factor of about TEN. hahahaa
You don't see that
kind of scoring at the Olympics games, at
least not yet (I dunno Puerto Rico beating our asses in B-Ball might be
Here we are at Little Shark
(I forgot to give Bill the camera while
he was in the dink, he could have gotten
some great pics of us
tied up.) Be sure to scroll to the right if
need be so you can see
how meandering these creeks on the River
are. Little September
Sea is nestled in to do battle. (I knew
Friday the 13th would bring
something and it DID: Hurricane Charley.)
There is chain around the
tree, then shackled to 5/8 line tied around
the mangrove base and then strung back to
the boat. Each line has
a plastic tubing around the areas that could
chafe against the boat. No need in securing
lines if they're gonna be sawed off
by high winds! Then the line is cleated
back onto
the boat. We ran six lines, three each
port and starboard (left and right sides of
the boat, respectively). Then two
anchors fore and aft (in front of, and
the boat, respectively).
The naked dink. The dinghy
was stripped down to the bare bones so
nothing would be lost. Dang she look nekkid!
A girlfriend (De Lynn) just sent these to
me. The question is:
That's an alligator with a
mature deer in its mouth. He's HUGE.
Unbelievable. Looks like they're learning
that tan is
good.... shit... if they start thinking: "the
darker the berry the sweeter the juice," my ass ain't got a chance!
Love ya!
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
From: Dr. Dlugie
Barring any hurricane activity near our trip...
we'll be home, in Springpatch of course, on
Friday, September 10th. Got our air tickets
again... cross your fingers, eyes and toes!
Hopefully, we'll make it this time.
Miss you all so very, very much. Hoping to make
the Oktoberfest in Havana this year. It's been
a while! Bill's parents will be just getting
back from Colorado so it will be nice to see
them there.
We'll let ya know what is going on and when we
all can get together.
Can't wait to see everyone.
From: Enyo Dewith
Date: 08/29/04 14:59:22
To: s/v September Sea
Subject: Re: Trip to Springpatch
From: s/v September Sea
hahahaha Love my Enyo!
We'll be there for ten days. Would love to
see you and the not-so-little rug rats.
Love you so very, very much. As if you
didn't know.
See ya then... we'll keep in touch.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September
Part II: Hurricanes Frances & Gaston
From: s/v September Sea
Hey my Darlings,
Donna you are a Love, indeed. Thank you very much for your
very wise words. I'm sure that Frances will become a
Category 5, with Gaston right above her... she's got the
fuel on her side and she's using every bit of it.
I'm praying that Frances turns away before she reaches
land. Every Category 3, 4 or 5 that has had the same path
as Frances historically has moved back out to sea prior to
reaching land. Thee is one exception however, and that was
Hurricane Connie in 1955, she went all the way up to the
Great Lakes (though toned down by that time to a tropical
depression). Can you imagine?
If history serves us right, Frances will veer off and go
back out to sea. However, history has a been a bitch
lately, LOL. The things you think can't happen... DO.
I agree that riding out a Category 5 in a marina would be
very dangerous indeed. But the Little Shark River, Donna,
is truly an incredible hurricane hole. We have mapped it
all out and it meanders miles and miles away from the sea.
Once you get inside there and find a very narrow offshoot
creek of the river, you can tie up to mangroves on all sides
if necessary. I mean you are hunkered down bigtime. We
have chains and shackles and tie the boat three times on
each side, to large mangrove trunks. There are anchors set
fore and aft. We also, if need be, have chains encased in
fire hose that will be used in front and aft of the boat to
make a horizontal secondary "wall."
We are prepared. I truly believe it would take nothing less
than a tornado to get us pulled out of there. And yes, that
COULD happen. If so, the worst would probably be that it
would pick us up and toss us up into the mangroves. Not a
bad place to be. The nice thing about mangroves is that the
way they grow, they more than likely won't hole your boat if
you're set on top of them.
Then we simply wait the hurricane out and call for the
American Express helicopter to pluck us out. ha!
Don't worry, my Darling. If it looks like we are truly in
harm's way and that it would be a very high chance of a
direct hit, we won't ride it out. Anything less than
that... we'll go to our hurricane hole plans.
Love you so very, very much. Give my love to Ray-Ray. I
love that man of yours. Hope you both are fine and doing
well, I know that you have that grandbaby on your mind...
I'm so jealous I could spit cherry pits!
So happy to hear that Gaston will not cause you much
trouble. I tell ya, Girlfriend... we're in for the shit
this season. I think I'm gonna find a way to spend next
hurricane season in Aruba. Gotta get out of the hurricane
belt during hurricane season, it is just too much. With
global warming... I think it's just gonna get worse as the
years go by.
Kisses and Hugs, my Loves.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Hello my Darlings,
I'm praying that you don't get much trouble from Hurricane Frances.
That bitch is gonna be bad. Supposed to be a Category 5 sometime
today and I believe she will be. Historically, as I'm sure you've
already tracked, all but one hurricane on France's path turned back
out to sea before reaching land. That was Connie in 1955 and she
was so crazy she ended up blowing all the way up through the Great
Lakes. Now that's insane.
Hope you are hunkered down, I think she's gonna just nip ya a bit.
Let's hope that's all.
We're geared up to get to the Little Shark, though others think
we've lost our minds trying to ride out a Category 5. Ya know, they
haven't been there like we have. There are new places we have found
in there that are only 100 ft. across as you enter then they narrow
down inside to about 50 ft. across and the meandering mangroves have
you blocked on all sides. The way we chain up this boat and anchor
it down, it ain't movin. There's no way. Short of a tornado coming
down and plucking us out of there, we will be just fine. Those
mangroves have been there for thousands of years... and they've done
just fine. I have no qualms about riding it out there.
Fortunately, since there is safety in numbers, our friends on s/v
Magus (Chris and his wife Yanni) feel the same way we do and will be
joining us. There are a few others too that want to come down with
us. The only thing I'm having a hard time getting across to many of
them is that I don't want them in the same creek as I am. That's
the whole point of going down there, getting away from other vessels
that can come down on you. That's what causes the majority of real
damage in marinas and anchorages... other boats and their debris
hitting you.
Well, I think they think I'm being anti-social... but they just
don't get it. So I may have hurt a few feelings, but I've seen
the way some of em tie their boats up too.... no thanks!
I know you know what I'm talking about. What's the point of going
all that way to be SAFE and then deliberately put yourself in
jeopardy by letting someone tie up in the same place that you do.
It makes no sense to me. None.
Anyway, be safe my Loves. Bill and I love you like we love our own
brothers and sisters and that you are to us. Yes, I'm a bit worried
about you, but I know that Eagle Scout has everything under
control. You two make a great team and you'll do what you have to
do to be safe, of that I am sure.
Let me know how it's going. If we leave here it will probably be on
Wednesday. I will drop you a line to let you know, since we'll be
out of touch. Bill is out trying to get that new battery for our
satellite phone....
No wonder it was such a deal on e-Bay, hard as hell to find a
battery for it!
Love you so much. Please stay in touch when you can.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Hello my Darlings... and yes, I got my Peek-a-Booo-Peggy Blinds.
The company doesn't know they have to change their name... I'll let
them know. They are everything and MORE than I imagined... all
without the view of one beaver. Can ya stand it? I'm elated but
somehow feel like I have pornographic shades. They are IT, Girl,
you done good, Peg. They are fantabulous.
Now, about that Bitch running around loose, Frances. If this ain't
the shit I don't know what is. She'll be a Category 5 today, no
doubt about it. So what's a little black Mama to do.... wish she
were a little black mamba snaking her way through the little Shark
and getting down in the mud and the mangrove roots... that's what.
Hell, this is bad, Peg.
Historically, every Category 3, 4 or 5 that started and has the path
of Frances has veered off and gone back to sea before hitting land.
That is with one exception, Hurricane Connie in 1955... a bitch if
there ever was one who ended up in the Great Lakes!! Now that's
I know, I know... I can hear ya now... "Throw history out the
window, history told us that Christopher Columbus was Italian, now
we find out he was a Spaniard." You're right. History don't know
shit about nothing. With global warming in the picture and Gaston
sitting up in the Carolinas adding fuel to the wrath of Frances, who
the hell knows?
(Peggy is tapping her foot and tilting her head waiting for me to
get to the fucking POINT.... "are you gonna try to ride out
Frances... like a FOOL?")
So you can be half relieved. hahahaa We'll figure that out by
Tuesday. I will stay in close touch with you, my Loves. Please
kiss my Edwin for me (with just a little tongue).... gotta make
sure if I have to watch "Last Tango in Paris" as my dying deed, that
I leave Edwin with a good one.
Hope Dirk is there there. Hope that Edwin is getting to be his same
ole onery self. Love that man so much. Peg, you're my sister and I
love you with all my heart. Don't worry, Darling. Your "Charmie"
ain't no dummy.... I won't do anything that would jeopardize not
seeing you all again. Besides, I haven't met Dirk yet in person.
So now you know I'm gonna live!
Love you. Talk with ya soon.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
I saw this article and thought you might find it interesting. The
Little Shark River, the setting of the short story, is our hurricane
hole. For those who don't remember, it's where we sail to when
we're threatened by adverse weather (as we might be soon with
Hurricane Frances). Let's hope she veers back out to sea soon. In
the meantime, as I am reminded of by this story, I am ordering full
body mosquito netting as I type. For September Sea too! Love yaz!
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Hey my Darlings,
You know I was so glad to hear that you were with Katie and
Charlie. I miss them! I got their email address from Rob eons ago
but whatever I send their way always comes back undeliverable. Ask
them to get me their email addy... I'd love to hear from them.
What about BJ, and his boat, and what is he doing
When Hurricane Charley came through, Bj tied his boat up in our slip
and then slipped away with his girlfriend, Denise, who lives on
Grassy Key. She works at the Dolphin Research Center (yeah, I know,
this is yet another girlfriend who works with dolphins. She's
a Sweetheart.
Denise is nice, but I still don't see how he can go from being with
Skank Hoe Major to a Doris Day Minor.
Denise looks like sugar and spice and all things nice. She's
blonde, very, very fair-skinned... very "que sera, sera" looking."
We adore her. So once again I stand the chance of having another grandchild so
white I'll have to bring ID to see them. Hell, at least she ain't
no Heidi Doody. Don't need no red-headed, buck-toothed, horse-faced
women in this family who can't even think about getting a tan. I
tell ya, Kermit the Frog (like you know another anything named
"Kermit?") and I have much in common: It ain't easy being chocolate.
People say, "Well, you're not prejudice!" What are they thinking?
I sure am. I see cullah too. And red headed people are often a
nuisance, at best. I mean who else has to have SPF 300? Who else
seems to be on their periods 24/7 if not for red-headed females?
It's like they were all born on a sweltering Sunday or a frigid
Friday. They're either steamin' mad about something or so
emotionally cold they don't give a dayam. You can probably tell by
now that Bj had dated five red-heads. hahaha Well, not
really... not!
hahahaaaaaaa Shhhhh! Jesse Jackson might hear us (I can hear him
now): "What we have here is an explemplification of a color reversal
revelation. That an oppressed soul of a given goal can be overcome
by a demandingly strong and ultimately conquering desire not to
expire but to transfer and transpire one's historical oppression to
another contemporary racial succession." Whew! I tell ya, that man
cracks me up. Does he know that half the words he uses aren't even
words? They are Jacksonisms. Besides, he doesn't have to get all
tongue-tied to talk to me... after all... I Love Lucy!
Back to Bj: He'll probably tie his boat up in the mangroves of
Whiskey Creek. That's where Little Jack and others go when their
boats are suspect of not making the trip all the way to the Little
Shark. If things are to be pretty bad here. It's really a pretty
good hole over there. Only problem is that people who come late
wanna get nasty (with their guns in their hands) if they can't get
past you after you've tied up... I mean really, what cha gonna
do... untie your boat so they can pass and then drag down on ya when
the high winds come? I ain't gettin next to nobody... especially
not some kind of special stupid who has the nerve to complain that
he needs more ice for his rum (while his wife is trying to tie the
boat up and don't know the difference between a bowline and a clove
Anyway, he'll be fine over at Denise's. When Charley was coming
through he had told us that if they evacuated Marathon, he and
Denise would drive out of here. That's good, makes me not have to
worry about him. Denise is pretty wind shy so the first 45 knot
winds that come by, I'm sure they'll be outta here, evacuation or
Chris and Yanni of s/v Magus will be joining us again. Also,
some have hinted they want to follow us down. I'm like the
potato chip commercial: GET YOUR OWN BAG. I ain't even gonna be
doing that, no way. The whole reason to even go down there is to
get away from the marina and all the boats that might drag down on
ya. I certainly don't need a flotilla of wanna-be mega yachts on my
tail all the way down there. Besides, one of em would faint the first
time they saw me naked. It's so much easier to just strip while out
on the boat. And yes, I remember those old stories--my mother used
to tell me about teats and wringer washers. I'll be sure not to be
hanging full-tilt boobies over any of the winches.
We think we might go to the Bahamas for one more hoorah in
the the winter months, actually to the Exumas, where we love to be
the most, and maybe you can join us there, either with your boat or
fly to !
FANTASTIC!! Bill actually has been moping a bit, thinking that
maybe you guys wouldn't be down here anytime soon. Oh Peg, that
would just be delightful. We'd love nothing more than to join you
down there. If we have the time we'd love to sail it, but if not, a
short hop on a plane and we can be there a few days. Oh that would
just be marvelous! I'm so happy that Ed is feeling better and can
actually even think about doing such things. Marvelous, Darlings,
Too funny about the Peek-a-Booo blinds... I didn't tell ya this, but
when the package finally arrived, I told Bill "If there's one pubic
hair in there, they're going back." hahahahaaaaaaaa
Oh have we had some fun with our Peek-a-Booo blinds! And since they
are what they are called, you know that I had Bill on the outside of
the boat, in every direction trying to peer in. It's like I got to
thinking about it... maybe the "Peek-a-Booo" part is YOU! "You buy
em, you become them." I can just imagine being the show for the
whole damn marina while I take a shower... ya know I don't look too
bad from the boobs up. hahahaaaaaaa But it was okay, BIll said ya
couldn't see a thing..... I'll continue to have the head light off
until I get my ass out there and check for myself. You know men:
"Oh, I didn't know you meant shadows too." Duh. Who wants to be a
labeled a shilouette exhibitionist?
ANYway, it's wonderful to hear from you, my Love. Kisses and hugs
all around. I ain't worried about a thing... I have a feeling that
Miss Frances is gonna remember to take her Prozac and just might be
calming down a bit here soon. Let's hope so! They downgraded her
to a Category 3, when they thought she'd be a 5 today. That's
good. Of course she has lots of warm water to travel over which
will give her more intensity. We'll soon know what we have to do.
Love you MORE THAN YA KNOW....
Smooches and HUGE HUGS!
Charmaine (& "Das 'White Guy' auf diesem Boot.")
Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Hi Sweetheart,
If you're tracking Frances, which you should be.... the best
tracking if you don't already know is at:
The computer models there are excellent, showing the major models
and they results of their individual storm tracking
programs. BAM, historically, has been the most accurate by far.
If you look at the computer model below, NOGAPS (our Naval tracking
system, the blue line) shows Frances going across the State of
Florida over to the Tampa area on Saturday.
Go to the
http://www.wunderground.com site and you can see the 5-Day
Forecast map as well. We're all in the risk area for the extended
forecast, so I would watch the updates at the wunderground site,
which are every three hours. It's amazing how quickly things can
change. With the winds from Gaston in the Carolinas, the
forecasts are dependent mainly on whether or not we get high or low
pressure systems from Gaston. That could change in a heartbeat.
You're probably already tracking it, but even if so, I found this
site to be the best for maps, informative discussion page, and
their strike probability maps are very useful as well. You can also
see the satellite pictures of Frances, or whatever hurricane is out
I watch this site every day to track any tropical depressions that
even look remotely like they may wind up being a hurricane. I'm
always a week ahead of most of the people around here. When you
live in Florida and it's hurricane season, you cannot have too much
information... that's for damn sure.
Love you.
Kisses and Hugs and Love to Syd and Carol.
C ~
From: s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Hey Julie,
Thanks, Sweetheart. Looks like Frances should hit northeast of us.
We decided to ride this one out in the marina, where we expect
tropical storm winds in the range of 72 mph. We can handle that
just fine. Sitting through this has been torture.... whether or not
to scurry to our hurricane hole or not. We decided at 5 am with the
latest projections that we'd do better to stay put.
However, there is a margin for error that is unsettling. Right now,
Frances is over the Bahamas and heading to Nassau. Eighty miles to
the left or right at that point and you pray the projections are
We've decided in the future to simply head to our hurricane hole
when a hurricane of this magnitude is forecast... period. We know
that when we're hunkered down in the Little Shark River, we could
just about take a direct hit and be fine in there. It's a maze of
thick mangroves and tiny little creeks where you can nuzzle up in
there and chain your boat to the mangroves. There's no where to go
even if the hurricane is right down on ya. The worst thing that
might happen there is you'd get pushed or set down in the
mangroves. Really not that bad. So we've learned a lesson here...
when in any DOUBT... get OUT.
Thanks for your email, Darlin. You're the best. Hope all is well
with you and yours. Love from all of us to all of you.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Thanks Sweetheart.
They are evacuating Key Biscayne as of 4 pm. Key Biscayne is
the beginning of the Keys (actually Virginia Key is, but no one's
heard of her, LOL). This is the first back to back hurricane for
Florida in 50 years. Unreal. The projections for the lower and
Middle Keys (we're right smack in the middle, right off of Seven
Mile Bridge) is that we should brace for a tropical storm. The good
thing is that we might not get any of the storm surges, they are the
worst. Imagine your boat sitting in a marina and then rising 15
feet. You're on top of the piling at that point, that's the
quickest way to put a hole in the hull and sink your boat. So you
have to be very careful during surges and I'd never sit in a marina
if surges were forecasted. Even now, if they Frances has turned and
we will be hit with surges, my ass it outta here. That's right,
right in the middle of it, I'd get the flock outta Dodge and make a
beeline to Whiskey Creek (just five miles away) and push the boat up
into the mangroves. You don't wanna be in a marina at a slip during
storm surges. Never.
So it's a good thing we don't have to think about surges at this
point. The surges are worse than the winds.
I'm sure we'll be fine. We've been out to sea in 60 knot winds and
it was a bit scary but we didn't panic and we were just fine. So
when ya think that we'll be all chained and tied here bracing for
70+ mph winds.... I'll probably be eating a couple more Twinkies
than usual, but otherwise, we should be just fine.
Bill and Bj are doing some last minute things right now, making one
more trip to the grocery store before the shelves are cleared out
(can't run out of popcorn, ya know!). So I'm downloading a bunch of
movies just in case the internet goes down... we'll be able to pop
some popcorn and watch our movies as we ride out Frances.
Thanks for your prayers, we love ya so much. Kiss my Wally for me.
And squeeze that Hailey, she's so sweet. Grab Alex by the back of
the neck and give him a big hug from me (you can use inflated
balloons on your chest and he might think it feels more like me).
Let's hope this clears the way for a great October visit from you
guys... but if it doesn't, then you'll know all about the Little
Shark River before you leave here!
Smooches my Loves...
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 9:44 AM To: 'Ris; Antoinette Genesis; Breigh-Baby; Buddy; Captain Jerry; Dawn Hamlin; Donna; Donna & Ray; Dr. Dlugie; Dunc; Enyo; Ernest & Betty; Ennie; Hubers; jai lanre; John Porter; Kathleen & Jim; Cousin Letitia & Bill; Liz on Espchiel; Matty; My Price; Randy; Peggy & Edwin; Scottie; Shannon & Steve; Shelly & Ken; Suzi; Staci my Sistah Subject: Frances Update
From: s/v September Sea
Subject: Florida Hurricane Prep Checklist (one of many variations out there)
Everyone in Florida should all be aware of hurricane preparations, but in case you need a refresher course, or if you wish to see what Floridians go through... listen up. We've been smacked around by Hurricane Charley and now we have Miss Frances breathing down our necks. We are truly in the peak of the hurricane season. Right now, we turn on the TV and see over and over again, a weather person pointing to the huge orange and red radar blob out in the Atlantic Ocean and making two basic meteorological points. (1) There is no need to panic. (2) We could all be killed. Yes, hurricane season is an exciting time to be in Florida. If you're new to the area or haven't lived here at all, you're probably wondering what is needed to prepare for the possibility of such dire threats to our safety:
Based on insurance industry experiences, we recommend that you
follow this simple three-step hurricane preparedness plan:
STEP 1: Buy enough food and bottled water to last your family for at least three days. > STEP 2: Put these supplies into your car. > STEP 3: Drive to Nebraska and remain there until Halloween. > Unfortunately, statistics show that most people will not follow this sensible plan. Most people will foolishly stay here in Florida (hmmm, I think I know of a few....). We'll start with one of the most important hurricane preparedness items: HOMEOWNERS OWNERS' INSURANCE: If you own a home, you must have hurricane insurance. Fortunately, this insurance is cheap and easy to get, as long as your home meets two basic requirements: (1) It is reasonably well-built, and (2) It is located in Wisconsin Unfortunately, if your home is located in Florida, or any other area that might actually be hit by a hurricane, most insurance companies would prefer not to sell you hurricane insurance, because then they might be required to pay YOU money, and that is certainly not why they got into the insurance business in the first place. So you'll have to scrounge around for an insurance company, which will charge you an annual premium roughly equal to the replacement value of your house. At any moment, this company can drop you like used dental floss. Don't even think about boats. (Gulp. Too late!) SHUTTERS: Your house should have hurricane shutters on all the windows, all the doors. There are several types of shutters, with advantages and disadvantages:
Plywood shutters: The advantage is that, because you make them yourself, they're cheap.
Sheet-metal shutters: The advantage is that these work well, once you get them all up. The disadvantage is that once you get
them all up, your hands will be useless bleeding stumps, and it
will be January.
Roll-down shutters: The advantages are that they're very easy to use, and will definitely protect your house.
The disadvantage is that you will have to sell your house to pay for them.
can withstand hurricane winds! You can be sure of this, because the salesman says so. He lives in Nebraska.
Hurricane Proofing your property: As the hurricane approaches, check your yard for movable objects like barbecue grills,
planters, patio furniture, visiting relatives, etc... you
should, as a precaution, throw these items into your
swimming pool. (if you don't have a swimming pool, you should have one built immediately). Otherwise, the hurricane winds will turn these objects into deadly missiles.
Bleach. (No, I don't know what the bleach is for. NOBODY knows what the bleach is for, but it's traditional, so GET
A big knife that you can strap to your leg. (This will be useless in a hurricane, but it looks cool.) A large quantity of raw chicken, to placate the alligators. (Ask anybody who went through Andrew; after the hurricane,
there WILL be irate alligators.)
$35,000 in cash or diamonds so that, after the hurricane passes, you can buy a generator from a man with no
discernible teeth.
Of course these are just basic precautions. As the hurricane draws nearer, it is vitally important that you keep abreast of the situation by turning on your television if you have a generator that's working to keep the TV going and watching TV reporters in rain slickers stand right next to the ocean and tell you over and over how vitally important it is for everybody to stay away from the ocean. Remember all this when it's snowing in Illinois and we're down here living in "Paradise."
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: Tempi Duffey
From: s/v September Sea
SO glad to finally be in touch with you. I've emailed ya umpteen
thousand times and never got through. From Ant's email she recently
sent out, I decided to try your eddress again. It worked!
Love my Tempestuous. Kisses and hugs to the kids, I miss you and I miss
them so very, very much. Let them know that Auntie Mainie loves
them so very, very much.
Looks like Frances is weakening, which is very good news for us.
Good news for everyone. Love you, Temp. Hope all is well with you,
my Sweetheart.
Please stay in touch. It's so wonderful to hear from you.
Your Sis, Charmaine (& Bill) Aboard s/v September Sea
Love, Steve
From: s/v September Sea
Good news. The Hurricane Watch has been lifted for the Middle
and Upper Keys... dat's us! Of course we're expecting tropical
storm force winds (39-73 mph). No problem. The greatest news is
that we won't be messing about with storm surge, which does most of
the damage, normally (especially to boats!). We're tied up tighter
than a priest's sphincter when he's just been accused of child
molesting. (OMG that sounded like You! Heaven help me!)
Love ya, Darling. We're high and dry and doing fine. Did you sign
in to your Hotmail account as per my email to you? Do it, Stephen.
Only takes a minute. The instructions I sent are also at the
Hotmail account. You can make the changes easily. Your Hotmail
account will have all the pictures you can't see at AOL. Don't make
me come up there to slap ya around, hear?
Love you with all my heart. Glad we're all safe and sound. Looks
like it will stay that way... but, as any good Eagle Scout will
tell ya... the first rule is: BE PREPARED.
We are!
C ~
Been watching your broadcast, thank you. However, we have been
getting 40+ mph winds here on Vaca Key (Marathon) since early this
morning. The winds continue to pummel us and they're getting
worse. All along today you've been saying the Keys are doing okay
and that's just not the case. Weather Bug says our winds are 22 mph
with gusts of 40... but I have a wind indicator along with others
here and we're recording sustained winds at 35-40.
The boats in Boot Key Harbor are getting whipped around like crazy,
though most are tied down well since we had plenty of warning. But
it's no picnic here, and you can hear the wind howling like it's
angrier than a wet hen.
Thanks for your broadcast, but wanted to inform you that the Keys,
at least here on Vaca Key (which is where Marathon is located)...
have been getting kicked around all day! We've been under a
Tropical Storm Warning since yesterday.
I'm sure there are those elsewhere who are thinking their loved ones
in the Keys are just dandy... not so!
Wishing you all well.
Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
This is a Snail of a Hurricane. I could walk faster than this bitch
is moving! Wait.... IS she moving? Excuse my French, but I'm
gettin tired of this! It's been a whole week that we have
anticipated this storm. Now it's here and she stalls. I could kill
her. She's belting out some high winds and raging seas.... all
while sitting still and getting her nails done. Unreal.
Her "eye" has just arrived and it will last about twelve hours.
Imagine, all hell breaks loose and suddenly you got a huge calm for
twelve hours. Then comes the end of the movie. Dayam! The other
side of her will be really angry.... I'm glad we won't get the
brunt of those 100+ mph winds. No thanks.
We're getting hit with 50+ mph winds down here. Not too bad,
considering we have a huge boat on the other side of us that is
serving us well as protection. The winds are from the West right
now... I know, doesn't even sound right. You have to remember that
hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere rotate counter-clockwise.
Therefore, as she comes to us from the Southeast, she's moving
Northwest and throwing her rotations of winds and water in any
direction she damn well pleases. Three hours ago we were pummeled
from the North. Go figure.
Anyway, Bill and I just watched "Wolf." I decided that it would be
tempting fate to do my usual routine and watch "The Perfect Storm."
So I'm still learning at my old age, not too bad, eh? Wonder if
Clooney would pay me a visit in the hospital if I said I got hurt
while watching his pic. Hmmm, I could fall off the dock and just
say it was Frances.... "Clooney, I had you on,
man. I love that movie." Yes. I'm losing my mind. It's from
watching either the TV screen or the computer screen. I'm actually
seeing spots...
oh, hell... another noseeum that doesn't know there's no sand inside
the boat. One flick and he's history. I tell ya, everything and
everyone = a state of total confusion. I've heard lots of little
giggles like the ones nervous Asian people do when they don't have a
friggen clue as to what you're talking about. And that's just
Bill! hahahaha I swear we're punch drunk.
Sure are. Sitting fine and dandy, all. Got pizza in the oven and
watching the news. Just heard on the news: A guy started a
charcoal fire in his apartment cause he "needed light." We're
doing fine. Geeze. I tell ya, when this is over... I'm gonna
be so glad that when all the flooding is going on... that my ass is
sitting in a boat. Noah was right. If the forecast is more than
ten inches of rain... think the letter "B."
Love yaz... we'll stay in touch.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea Date: 09/05/04 14:14:02 To: Dunc Now you know you Speshal.... SMOOCHES my Darling.
Saved the best for last.
Hope to see you next week
if Ivan doesn't hold us
hostage here.
How's your Dad? Here's
hoping that he's feeling
much better and steadily
showing improvement.
Kisses and hugs to Dad
and Betty.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
>Subject: Frances Update
>Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 11:43:53 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
>Hello my Darlings,
>Looks like the Keys are expected to be wrapped in more of a
Tropical Storm
>(which could last for about 20 hrs.) than any near miss from
Frances. Had to work my Mojo on her.... but I got
>her attention (LOL).
>Of course, anything could happen. However, with the high pressure
system that's hovering north of Frances, it seems she will be kept
downward (in somewhat of a stall) and then once she's free, she'll head up the
East Coast of Florida. As she heads up, how much of her 140 mph wrath the
Southern tip of Florida and the Keys gets is up in the air. A guessing game.
She is crossing the Bahamas as I type... but as of yet, has not
reached Nassau. So she's slowing down quite a bit.
>I feel confident, after viewing the computer models that ran at 5
am (which are all in agreement, a rarity) showing Frances skirting up the
east coast and possibly crossing over southern Florida (but higher North than
where we are) and going into Georgia and other coastal states on the Gulf
coast, or skirting over to the Carolinas. What all this means is that we're
readying the boat and will tie up here in the marina, expecting a maximum of
70 knot winds. We can handle that, no problem. We are also roping (with
chain too) off the pilings around our boat so that those boats which possibly
break free of their moorings won't come crashing into our boat. They
won't be able to get in!
>SO that's the scoop... Bj has moved his boat to a slip right next
to ours and that's a comfort. Looks like a nasty Tropical Storm at worst
for us. I am glad we decided to wait for the 5 am tracking models before
taking off to Little Shark. It's possible the Everglades could be hit more than
the Keys. So right now, it's all good. For those in the Carolinas.... say
>prayers. It appears Florida will be hit pretty hard by this bitch
of a raging wind... so we must count our blessings. They're just
getting over Hurricane Charley and now battening now the hatches for
Frances. Unreal. The last time we had back to back hurricanes that landed this close together was 50 years ago. I suppose that means throw all the data out the
>cause Frances don't play that! She doesn't know she's not supposed
to do this... and I don't think anyone is gonna tap her on the shoulder
and inform her of it.
>No worries at this point.
>Love you all... don't worry about us, we're just fine. Wanted you
to know
>so you can breathe easier.
>Love yaz...
>Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
Part III: Hurricane Ivan the Terrible
From: s/v September Sea
Sounds great what you're doing on the boat. There's nothing quite
like "messing about with boats." Good for ya!
Yes, the wind has tapered off. We are still getting a band or two
from Frances, she's still whipping in the upper 20s from
time to time and dumping more rain on us. All in all, things are
Now for Ivan the Terrible. Good grief, Mike. Will I ever get
to Illinois and wrap my arms around that grandson
of mine? At this point, looks like we'll wait til Thursday to
cancel our flight, hotel and car reservations AGAIN.
Wish us luck, my friends. Let's hope that Ivan turns his skanky ass
back out to sea and not hit us. We don't need it.... the clean up
in Florida is horrible. Still getting over Charley and Frances
comes to pour salt in the already gaping wound.
What a bitch!
That stalker boyfriend of hers, Ivan, is lurking around the Atlantic
like he's trying to sniff up her butt. Geeze.
Love yaz and take care. We shall keep you apprised of what the heck
the going down our way.
Charmaine Aboard
s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
I heard that, my Darlin.
Yes, we've been watching Ivan
ever since he reared his ugly
head off the coast of Africa
as a tropical storm. He's moving fast too! Dayam is
I think he's Frances' stalker
boyfriend and he's out there
sniffing up her butt. Wish he'd
a caught up with her and taken
her away to sea to live in
bliss for the remainder of
their stormy lives. But noooo!
We're preparing right now for
Ivan. We're getting the dinghy
back in the water (we deflated
it and put it in the car when
Frances came our way). We'll
need it if we run to the Little
We just might find a nice spot
around here to push little
September Sea up into the
mangroves and then hop in
the car and get the flock
outta Dodge.
We are supposed to be
flying out of Ft. Lauderdale
to Illinois this Friday. If you
recall, we were originally to
leave on Friday the 13th of
August, but Frances had
other ideas for us and we
ended up in Little Shark River. So this is the second
go-round for our trip. We'll
wait til Thursday to cancel
all our reservations if the
need be. Dayam, this is
getting ridiculous.
Bill and I are already talking
about spending next hurricane
season at the 12th latitude.
Aruba. Bonaire. Curaco.
However, Ivan came past
pretty damn close to them!
They haven't had a hurricane down there outside the hurricane belt since the 50s. Somehow that doesn't seem all that long ago now... not since Florida just had back to back hurricanes for the first time in 50 years.
It will be wonderful when we
can talk of great things..
calm things... nice things like
parties and babies and just
plain BOREDOM in general.
I love you, Donna. Give my
Ray-Ray a huge hug and
kiss from me. You don't know how much we miss you guys.
We'll stay in touch. Thanks
so much for watching over us.
Bill and Charmaine
Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Hey my Darlings!
Not too bad, considering Frances bore down on us like a whore at
a Legion convention. Man oh man, the wind was just awful. We
faired well. We were tied up at the marina and Bill did an
excellent job of making sure we moved very little during it all. It
was great, actually, sitting here watching movies and popping
popcorn during it all. Power stayed on the whole time for us. We
have our own power in the event that the power went out locally.
That's one good thing about a boat. Having your own power is just
wonderful. There's a comfort knowing that no matter what Frances
does... we'll still have lights and our stove, running water, and
the computer to watch movies on. Life is good. Even when Mother
Nature wreaks havoc! Now that's something special.
Hurricane Ivan the TERRIBLE is on his way. DAYAM. If you go to http://wunderground.com
you can track Ivan. Click on TROPICAL and you'll see Frances, then
beneath her, down the page is Ivan. There are computer models there
that forecast Ivan's path. He's heading right for us, John. And he
looks bigger than Charley and Frances. WAY bigger.
Not sure what we're going to do. We're supposed to fly outta Ft.
Lauderdale on Friday and head to Illinois. With Ivan breathing down
our necks, and scheduled to be here by this weekend, I don't think
we're gonna get outta here. We will probably take the boat to our
hurricane hole in the Everglades, Little Shark River. I've included
a satellite map of Little Shark so that you can see how it meanders
like a labyrinth of mangroves and offshoot creeks. By the time you
get inside of it, and way back in the thick of things, you're very
protected from high winds and raging seas while in there.
We know people who rode out Hurricane George, a Category 5, while
there. They said they had no problems, and the wind howled above
them in the tree tops. We were there during Hurricane Charley, even
moved closer to Charley without knowing it, and we were nestled in
there like bugs in a rug. It's the place to ride out even a
Category 5. No doubt about it.
Here's a satellite map of Little Shark River:
You can see the Gulf of Mexico to the
left. The first opening from the bottom of the picture
northward is the entrance to Little Shark River.
As you can see, it meanders all over the place. In between the water ways are thick groves of mangrove trees. And I mean THICK. When we rode out Hurricane Charley, we were located near the top of the map to the right (the river goes on beyond this map). You can see where you can get off into a creek offshoot of the river and be nestled in with mangroves on all four sides of you. That's the idea location. We tied our boat up to the mangroves in the narrowest spot we could find. It was perfect.
If need be, that's where we will head come Thursday,
probably. It takes us 8 hours to get there, sailing
due north the entire way. Once inside the mouth, it
takes us about 1-1/2 hours to get to our spot inside
the maze. We had gone to Little Shark last year and
mapped the place out, taking depth soundings while
in our dinghy so we would know where we had adequate
depth for our boat (we draw 5'6, meaning our keel
is 5'6 down from the waterline of our boat). Many
people think there is not depth enough in the Little Shark,
well, those are people who never came here to take
readings themselves. The place is huge. There is
room for thousands of boats here... all without you
seeing another soul. It is truly an intricate web of
mangroves and creeks and tiny inlets that all pretty
much look the same.... unless you have been there
enough to learn the lay of the water. We took pictures
when we scouted it out, making notes on our map
(e.g. at 3.6 miles, turn at 3rd dead tree on your right,
with Y at the top, head boat starboard 10 degrees
and proceed across to huge mangrove trunk on edge of
water next to lone pine tree). You get the idea.
Anyway, we're fine and everyone else is doing well
down here. The Keys got hit with high winds but
no real damage like elsewhere. I felt that Tampa would
be hit hard when I read the first BAM computer model
at the start of the storm. BAM is so accurate in their
predicitons it's almost scary. Most people thought I
was nuts talking about the eye of the hurricane going
right over Tampa as it leaves... well wish I had a winning
Lotto ticket on that one... cause I was right on the
money. BUT... they got very, very lucky. Thank goodness!
Hope my loved ones in Tampa are okay, gonna give em
a call. Chances are I won't get through, but I'll keep
trying. They took some hard hits. Sure hope my Jerry
is okay too (that's Captain Jerry, our mentor).
Love you all so very, very much. Will stay in touch on
the Insanities of Ivan the Terrible.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
We're readying for Hurricane Ivan, who should be here by Saturday.
This is ridiculous! Bill and I are very seriously discussing
the next hurricane season (six months) in Venezuela.
It's around the 12th latitude, beneath the hurricane belt. All we have
have is internet access... and we're outta here!
Love ya... SMOOCHES
pas y tranquilidad (AMEN to that!)
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
Well did you stay? I looked over there and thought I saw you! Tom’s
mom in
From: s/v September Sea
SO sorry to hear about Tom's family, Katie. That's a damn shame.
No, we stayed put for Frances. However, with Hurricane Ivan on his way (should
be here by Saturday)... I don't know about him. I think we'll leave
Thursday and head for the Little Shark.
We got by okay with this one, mainly because of where it hit (the
projections were right on target) so we had no storm surges. It's
the surges that will just kill you and your boat. In the Little
the surges don't matter at all. You can just ride with em and all
just cool. No pilings in your way to hole your boat.
Well, give my love to Big Twin and his family. Again, I'm so sorry
to hear all that. But be careful, Darlin... there's a monster
coming our
way... again!
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Lots of love and the very best of wishes for your brother
Steve. It's always a pleasure to hear from ya.
Love ya, 'Nee
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Hey my Sweetheart, 'Ris
Looks like Ivan will stay south of Puerto Rico. Good
thing! I do think it's wise to wait until late tomorrow,
we'll know for sure by then what Ivan is doing.
We have good friends on a sail boat in Puerto Rico. They
are on the southern side, in a town called Salinas. That
was written in their last email to me.
The name of their 33-foot steel sloop is "Drummer."
Their names are Jim and Kathleen Davison. I hear from
them often, and haven't heard from them since
Hurricane Charley. In short,
I'm worried about them. Perhaps you can inquire about
them. If you can get someone to hail them on their
VHF Radio that would be wonderful. I just want to know
they are okay. I have a feeling that something is
wrong, maybe one of them is sick or something.
They might be having trouble with their SSB and can't
get through on the internet. Most boat owners don't
know the last names of other boaters. I only know
Jim and Kathleen's because they gifted us a homemade
game with their last name on it. They probably don't
know our last name. I would think that something has
happened, as they could call Dockside here in Marathon
and at least give word they are okay.
Kathleen might not even know how to operate the
SSB. ANYway, have a great trip and if you would
inquire on their behalf, I'd appreciate it. The last I
heard they were on the hook (meaning anchored out
in an anchorage area). However, they would dinghy
in to the closest place to get provisions and supplies.
SOMEBODY around there must know of them.
They're white, in their early 50s and have two cats.
Their dinghy is named "Bongo." Their boat is tan
with green deck coverings and cream colored side shades.
I'm sure if you ask around, someone has seen them.
It's not like them not to be in touch, especially since
they don't know how we faired through Charley and
now Frances. Also, Ivan is on his way too...
Love you so much, Sweets. How long will you be home
with your parents? Doesn't look like we're gonna
make it this trip... so that's good. You'd be gone
anway. This way, we'll be sure to see each other
when we come home.
Love you, 'Ris. Hope all is well and you're doing fine.
Love to Buddy and Bud Lite.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Hey my Sweetheart Suzi Q!
So good to hear from you. Yes, all is fine. The winds
have died down and Miss Frances has trekked out of
our area. She wreaked havoc on the east coast, and
that's an understatement.
Right now we are watching Ivan the Terrible very
carefully. Looks like we'll take off
to sail to our hurricane hole
come Thursday.
We're supposed to be leaving for
Springpatch on Friday... looks like
my second attempt to get home
will also be cancelled by yet another
hurricane (we were supposed to fly
out Friday the 13th, but Hurricane
Charley had other ideas!).
I tried to contact Guy at his home
and left a message on his answering
machine that we were fine (that was
during Charley). Never heard from him.
He still lives on Outer Park Drive?
I got the number from a friend in Springpatch
I was talking to on the phone.
ANYway, if you have his email addy, I'd
like to have it... tell him to get in touch
with me, will ya?! I'd love to see him
when I'm home.
Love you so very, very much.
Hope all is well with you and that Sweetie
Rudy. Hope I didn't scare ya... you know
me, Girl, I'm a loon!
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Subject: Re: Debbie Grant
Hey my Brother!
God bless Debbie. If you see her again, please give her my email
address. I would love to be in touch with her again. Just love
her. Oh the times we have had! I'm so glad to hear you talked with
her. Hadn't thought of Deb in a while, nice memories.
That girl has been through so much and made it anyway... I tell ya,
John, we're all pretty tough stock. And good thing, too!
We're probably gonna have to run from Hurricane Ivan. Right now it
looks like we would leave on Thursday. We finally got our satellite
phone and got it activated tonight, so I'll have a number that you
can at least call if you don't hear from us and get worried. It's
so nervewracking on everyone not knowing whether we're okay or
not... out where we are in the Little Shark, no radio or cell phone
works unless it's the radio, and only if it's a boat right near to
you. In other words, we wouldn't be able to hail the Coast Guard if
we got into real trouble. So the satellite phone we had to get. It
was a must have.
I'll make sure you get the number. Just knowing you will have it
makes me feel better already.
Love ya, John. Sure miss not being in Springpatch this Friday...
oh well, perhaps we should make our travel plans next time on a
Thursday... looks like the Friday days don't work at all! hahaha
Smooches my Love
Charmaine (and Bill) Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Hey my Sweet Carlene!
We've been running from Hurricanes! First Charley, then Frances...
now ugly Ivan the Terrible is breathing down our necks. We're down
in the Florida Keys and the computer models track patterns show that
Ivan will hit very close here. He's a Category 4 and it has been
predicted that he will become a Category 5. Unreal. I suppose
there must be a downside to everything, even living in Paradise!
Hope you are well and happy and that all is going fine for you.
You're a dear, sweet Soul, Carlene. I'll send you an email when we
return from our hurricane hole after Ivan has blown himself out.
It is always a great pleasure to hear from you.
Peace and Love,
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Hey my Sweet Donna,
This is so GREAT! A grandbaby and you know exactly when! I'm
jealous as all get out. Here I am stuck again with flight
reservations, hotel accommodations and a rental car waiting for me
in Illinois (where my grandbaby is!), and it looks like we're not
going to make it yet again. Dayam.
I'm doing the baby dance for ya... tickled to
pieces about it all. I mean to tell you... you are in for the treat
of your life! I cannot emphasize what a grand life experience it is!
That had to be the way using the word "Grand" came about... cause
that's exactly what it is: GRAND!
We have a satellite phone and our number will be activated today. I
will be SURE to send you the phone number so you have it... and if I
don't call you... then you call us to see how we're doing when
hunkered down at the Little Shark River. It's really a blessing to
have that phone now. We can stay in touch and no one has to sit and
worry about what the hell is happening to us! I'll send that number
your way as soon as I receive it later today. Oh Gramma Donna....
you look good as Gramma. Love to my Ray-Ray and you bet your Sweet
Bippie that the Twinkies are in the freezer!
(and Ray-Ray too)
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
P.S. Know how Stick People became extinct?
(scroll down....)
AKA: The real reason why "Twiggy" and Calista Flockheart
decided they'd better gain some weight!
From: s/v September Sea
Got something for ya, Mike:
If you look at the
www.wunderground.com site, you'll see the projected five-day
forecast and it doesn't look good at all. The computer models are
in disagreement, although even so.... we need to get the flock outta
Dodge! Looks like if things stay the way they are, we'll leave out
of here probably early Friday morning (the bridge opens at 6 am).
That would get us at Little Shark River by 2 pm and in our hurricane
hunkering spot by 3:30 pm. Then we'd have Saturday to prepare the
boat properly, although we'd no doubt get up some lines when we
arrive there Friday afternoon. We're getting too good at this,
Mike. What's wrong with this picture?
Bill and I were talking the other day about looking at boats down
outside the hurricane belt: Venezuela area--Aruba, Bonaire,
Curaco... Trinidad & Tobago... and look what happened! No sooner
had we started searching for boats down there than they were under
Hurricane Watches! Unreal. No place is safe anymore, apparently.
However, their track record (not one hurricane since early 1950s) is
way better than ours (3 major hurricanes in the span of 30 days...
or is that DAZE). Incredible.
We have a satellite phone with us this time. We'll get our number
this afternoon. The good thing is that will allow us to keep in
touch with everyone. Last time we went to Little Shark (no VHF
radio or cell phone service in the area)... we worried everyone
sick. Too, we felt bad because we knew everyone would be worried!
This time will be different. Also, we can call the Coast Guard if
need be... and that's VERY comforting. Not that they would drop all
they're doing to come to our rescue.. but I'd know that they would
be coming at some point KNOWING we were in trouble.
Another couple is going with us, the same couple that sailed down
with us last time. They are aboard their own boat and we'll try to
be a bit closer together this time. At least we're in radio range
if we say fairly close within the Little Shark.
Hopefully none of the above will even come to pass... but if I were
a bettin woman (which I am)... I'd bet on RUNNING.
Maybe that's how this town got it's name: MARATHON.
Shitola, I shudda known that!
Love yaz... Big Hugs to Sandee.
Charmaine (& Bill) Aboard s/v September Sea
From: September Sea
Hi Randy!
You're behind, Love. Hurricane Ivan is a Category 5 heading our
way. All of the Florida Keys is on mandatory evacuation
beginning tomorrow morning. All visitors will are being evacuated
today. We rode out Charley in Little Shark River, an excellent
hurricane hole in the Everglades.
Hurricane Frances had no storm surge so we stayed here at the
marina. We were just fine riding her out. The storm surges are
what makes being in a marina deadly for you and your boat. The
surges (upwards of 18 ft to 25 ft for a Category 5) lift your boat
above the dock pilings. Then the boat comes down and the pilings
hole the boat. Ouch. Sink time for sure.
We are deciding what to do. We are aboard our boat in the marina
and must leave tomorrow morning either for our hurricane hole in
Little Shark River; or to drive out of here and go on to Illinois.
We were to leave on a flight tomorrow for Illinois, but Ft.
Lauderdale Airport is a zoo and the evacuation means you'll never
get there in time. I think they will shut down tomorrow as well.
SO.... do we want to try to ride out a Category 5 aboard? I dunno.
Tough decision.
We're talking winds at 160 mph and gusts nearer to 200 mph. That's
not fit for man, beast, alligator or boat! Wish us luck, Randy.
I'll stay in touch and let you know what we decide. Let's hope we
make the right decision. I don't want to be stuck on the tollways in
Florida with a hurricane coming and can't get outta here!
Much Love,
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Subject: RE: Hurricane Ivan the Terrible
Hey my Darling Sis and Big Twin,
You're absolutely right. We have to be very,
very careful with this one. There's a really good map put out
today at
It shows that we have an 80% chance of Ivan hitting the Gulf... so
you're right, what was she thinking! The evacuation order
has been put out for residents now... wow. Just found out that
the Boot Key Bridge will close as of 10 am tomorrow, I told Bill he
better check cause we might not be able to get outta here!
We're planning on waiting to see what the 5 am projections are.
There is some weakening of Ivan and the consensus is that he will
hit land as a 4, possibly less. I know it's splitting hairs...
but we're on the very edge of the Gulf side if it does hit....
the odds are so slim, but then again... being in Little Shark it
could pass right over us. At this point we are ready to load
up the car and head out and let little September Sea take care of
herself... dunno.
I love you guys and am so happy to hear that you're getting out of
here. Now I know how happy it would make you all to know that
we're getting outta here too... and out of harm's way.
Take care of yourselves... I promise that we'll make an educated
decision, not an emotional one. We'll look at the risks and
we're taking this very, very seriously. Ivan is nothing to
play with, that's for sure.
Kiss Tom for me. I love you two so... so much. I got
tears in my eyes just thinking of the possibility of this all not
being here... dayam. Three hurricanes in a month... what the F
is happening? Oh well, we'll find a way to survive all this...
and that's the bottom line for us all. SURVIVAL FIRST.
SMOOCHES to you both...
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
P.S. Bj is gonna be here at Dockside until it gets funky
for sure... then he's gonna put his boat on a mooring and drive
outta here with his girlfriend, Denise. She lives on Long Key.
They have assured us they will LEAVE if it's for sure to be a hit
here. That makes me feel much better... don't wanna have to worry
about our boy.
Love you Sis, Big Twin....
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
Subject: Re: Hurricane Ivan the Terrible
From: s/v September Sea
I love you. Take care of Syd.
Sounds like you have a great plan to keep her calm and safe.
Talk to you when this is over... and you can bet your Sweet Bipee on
that! Take care, my Sweet.
C ~
P.S. Let's pray that Ivan veers off at the last minute and heads
back out to sea. But I don't think I wanna bet my life on it!
From: s/v September Sea
Click on the link... it's looking better for us all the time, Chris
and Yanni.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
Hey there,
Good to hear from you, though your topic has us worried as well. We
got through Frances, which kicked our butts pretty good. Had some
damage to
the rub rail and the toe rail. All wood work, which Sir Charles can
Thankfully no damage to the hull. I'm getting pretty sick of this
prep shit. Charley scared the be-jesus out of us, Frances was
annoying, but....Ivan!!! I'm sure it's no comfort, but at least you
you have to make a decision. Up here, I think we're going to go
another coin toss (though Charley was pretty set for us). I feel so
for those in Punta Gorda, but if he had hit the VERY populated and
area of Tampa, it would have been ten times worse. So we have yet
to decide
what we're going to do. Much too soon to determine its final path.
I know you two will make a smart decision. Quite honestly, unless
major happens, I don't think you want to sit on your boat in a cat 5
no matter how protected Shark River is. I think the experience
would turn
you quite white! But, I also understand leaving not only your boat,
your home. It's easy for people to say that's what insurance is
for, but
most of them are not living on their boat. Can't help you much,
except to
beg you to stay as safe as possible. You're the only
Charmaine I got!
Be safe and let us know what you're doing and how you fare through
that is. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and that I
wish I could be there to give you a huge hug.
Love to Bill, too
P.S. I know you already know this, but just a reminder to take your
documentation with you. So many people forget that in the hustle
bustle. How else are you gonna be able to salvage your boat?!?
From: s/v September Sea
We'll be fine... have company going with us and we have our
satellite phone so we CAN call the USCG and be plucked outta
there like those aboard the Westsail 32 s/v Mistral in "The Perfect Storm."
Actually, if you go to wunderground.com you can see the projections
which are looking much better right now at 96 hours. The
they have predicted will put us 140 miles outside of the eye. It's
bad side, unfortunately, but the winds should not exceed 73 mph.
We can DO 73. No problem.
I love you with all my heart, Dunc. We were talking about
going to the Venezuelan coast next year during hurricane season...
no sooner did the words leave my lips and BAM.... Aruba, Bonaire,
Curaco all issued Hurricane warning... The 12th Latitude is supposed
to be sacred ground. These hurricanes came from the Rodney
Dangerfield School of Dyslexia: "I ain't givin no respect."
We'll be in touch. Remember you can call Breighan for updates.
Bj is going to stay here with his boat and if it looks like Sunday
going to be a nightmare, he'll evacuate. Most everyone is
and that's a good thing (OMG I'm sounding like Martha Stewart).
Smooches my Darlin... can't wait to get my arms around ya.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
You are right, I had not been paying attention to Ivan! I was just watching the weather channel and looks like it might hit S.FLA. on Sunday but they are not sure if it will go up the West Coast or the East Coast! It will probably slow up a bit in category # as it crosses the Islands...but who knows!
If I were you, I'd be making arrangements for my boat to be
pulled out of the water and put in dry dock. Then I'd head up
US1 to the toll way extension down the road from the Dade Land
Mall.....head north on 95 to YeHaw Junction, take hwy 60 to
Tampa and Head North on I75 towards Havana (Ill. that is)!!
You might as well leave today and get a jump on the traffic!!
Good luck!
From: s/v September Sea
hahahaa Randy, too funny!
We're going this morning to our hurricane hole in the Little Shark
River. After reading the 5 am reports and discussions, the
general prediction is that Ivan will pass over the Dry Tortugas
(most like as a Category 4) and then head up the west coast of
Florida and hit the panhandle on Monday.
We went to our hurricane hole during Charley. Charley was to be a
direct hit on Key West and instead went over the Dry Tortugas and
then up the west coast of Florida to Punta Gorda and Port
Charlotte. So this one makes us feel much better, as we rode out
Charley with minimal winds. However, it was a 3 when it passed us
and then a 4 when it hit the coast after the Dry Tortugas. Not
really that much difference. Further, we're still hoping Ivan will
stay more westerly as it passes us, and there is a good chance for
that, meaning it will veer over near the Yucatan Peninsula. Let's
HOPE so!
We have our satellite phone and won't hesitate to do a
"Perfect Storm" routine and hail the Coast Guard if the
situation calls for it. That is somewhat of a comfort. We'll also
have our good friends, Chris and Yanni on their boat right near
us as well.
Take care.... 'cause we shall!
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Shannon and Steve McCormick
Date: 09/10/04 07:11:51
s/v September Sea
Subject: Re: Ivan the Terrible
i'm sure my brother would ask...and i am wonderin'....well,
well...did y'all getta get busy during charley?
whaddya do for
coffee? |
Hey my Darlings,
Nothing like gettin busy on the boat while it's
rocking right along wid cha! I even brought along
"Last Tango in Paris, " for some serious inspiration!
(Don't EVEN ask about the 5-gallon bucket of
buttah in the reefer!) hahahahhaaaaa
I bet you've never seen the inside of our boat.
Here's a couple of pics (I've since gotten shades
for the windows, but those dish towels sure worked
in a pinch! Besides, I could change the cullah
every week for about $7 Also, the mast pole is now
covered with tan rope and it looks so much nicer).
We have all the comforts of home. We
have our own power also, so our refrigerator,
stove, oven, computers, TV, coffee maker,
microwave... etc. are right at hand even when
not at a marina (via battery banks and an inverter). I downloaded five movies
so we can watch em to keep our mind off things.
(However, despite my twisted sense of humor,
I held back from downloading "The Perfect
Just wanted you to know that we're not roughin it
too bad! LOL
Love you with all my heart... we're on our way.
Don't worry, we'll be fine. This is just like
Hurricane Charley, just a bit bigger. We've done
this before and things will work out just fine.
(& STEVE, of course)!! Hugs and Kisses to last ya
til I see ya and get ta squeeze yaz...
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea |
Published on Saturday, September. 11, 2004
Some in Keys to defy Ivan, remain
Despite a mandatory evacuation and Hurricane Ivan's intensity,
clutches of Keys residents are stocking up to remain despite the
storm. As of Friday, scores more were undecided.
MARATHON - A Publix parking lot is not the most obvious spot for a
band of renegades to gather.
But there they were on a deceptively beautiful Friday morning, when
the mandatory hurricane evacuation kicked in for the Keys. They were
brazenly transferring from cart to trunk plain evidence of their
intention to stick out the storm: Friskies cat food, bags of candy,
tin upon tin of Chef Boyardee and 12-packs of Budweiser.
''It ain't even here yet and already the guys up north have wiped
the gas out up there, so where am I going to get gas, anyway?'' said
Sandy MacLaren, 63, of Long Key, as he loaded grocery bags into his
rusty white van over the din of evacuees' vehicles roaring north on
U.S. 1.
''I'd rather be here than stuck on the road during a hurricane,''
his wife, Carol, said.
Part out of Keys grit, part out of defiance -- and, emergency
officials say, part out of lunacy -- a good few Middle Keys
residents such as MacLaren say they will stay through Ivan --
although the killer hurricane is tearing up everything in its path
and not one single shelter along the island chain is taking anyone
in. Monroe County's nearest storm shelter is at Florida
International University in West Miami-Dade County.
''Why would you stay when you have a Category 4 storm on the way,
which, at this intensity, could possibly be fatal?'' said Irene
Toner, Monroe County's emergency management director. ``It's
irresponsible. If you lose your home or car, you can replace it. But
what if a family member gets seriously injured or worse?''
The holdouts appear to be exceptions: Toner said most Keys residents
were leaving Friday.
But Lory Warfield of Marathon is not one of them. She said that more
than the storm itself, she fears the prospect of not being able to
return to her home after Ivan passes.
''Where are you going to go?'' she said. ``What if you can't get
Warfield's friends, Lori and Earl Bebo, who moved to Marathon from
Minnesota just days ago, echoed her concern. They were marooned in
Nashville, stricken with worry, when Hurricane Frances bore down on
''The worst part is afterward,'' said Earl Bebo, who conceded he is
likely to leave if the storm maintains its current intensity.
''If you can't get back down here afterward and there's wind damage,
you can't protect your home,'' he said.
Many others were still undecided about leaving. Julie Thomson, who
has lived in Marathon since 1984, said she will make her mind up
today, when the storm's projected path is slightly clearer and U.S.
1, the lone evacuation route, is too.
''I'm waiting until all the panicky people are out and all the
accidents are over,'' Thompson said. ``I'll be the last to go.''
Marathon's Publix closed at noon after employees spent the morning
clearing meat, milk and cheese off the shelves. Some people ambled
about barefoot, stocking up on last-minute provisions. Neighbors
called out to each other over the aisles:
``Hey, Debbie, you staying or going?''
``We're going to decide tomorrow. What about you?''
``We're staying. Got too many pets.''
``Well, God bless you, honey. Be safe.''
``You too.''
Over at Boot Key Harbor, home to dozens of live-aboard boaters, the
sun beat down and the wind picked up as people were tethering their
boats to the dock with triple lines. Boaters on moorings were using
heavy metal chains to attach their vessels to the
several-thousand-pound weights.
''Hopefully, it'll hold, but if the storm's bad, it could tear the
deck out,'' said Reynold Steckley, who is leaving his 80-footer and
driving with his wife, Marlene, somewhere north -- maybe all the way
to Atlanta, they said.
On a nearby sun-bleached marina dock walked Captain Jack, one of the
harbor's longest residents. Barefoot, clad only in a turquoise
Speedo and a diamond stud in his left earlobe, Jack announced that
he was staying, as usual. He's lived in and out of the Keys since
1947 and hadn't left for a storm yet.
Jack has two boats in the harbor and plans to stay aboard one of
them until the storm kicks him, at which point, he said, he will
take refuge in one of a couple of ``good safe houses.''
''We'll see what happens. If it's an emergency, they're going to
need salvage divers right after,'' said Jack, a diver who turns 61
on Sunday. ``There's going to be people that are going to stay. You
know what they say about Conchs -- their shells are real hard.''
(Ain't that the truth! These are the people with whom Bill and I share
Dockside Marina (Captain Jack especially, whom I call my Brother and
he calls me "Sissy"). hahahaha He's a great guy... Marlene
and Reynold Steckley are very good friends of ours as well.
They have totally redone their boat, "Erika," an old Trumpy.
It's magnificent!
Anyway, thought you'd enjoy seeing that... Love yaz
Charmaine (& Bill) Aboard s/v September Sea
From: Kati Adams
We came home Monday night after the all clear. Everything is good, no worries. We are still not in our slip yet will wait for a little better weather and Tom’s back to get better. On Thursday he had to stop 2 fights, one boy pick up a desk and threw it at him, it hit him in the back and he is hurting pretty bad, has a big bruise on his lower back. His sister Lyn looked him over and adjusted him on Sunday and we have been icing it. I think he is doing better. But he is still pretty sore. Well thanks for all your thoughts and energy guy’s cause nasty ole Ivan stayed clear of the key’s and we are still afloat. Love you all,
Kati Adams
From: 'bella
From: s/v September Sea
IT is SO DAYAM GOOD to hear from you. I'm connected to the internet
via satellite phone, which cuts out as soon as a mosquito sneezes so
I must hurry. Love you, 'bella. SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU FOR A WHILE,
as were others on the Liveaboard list. I mean WORRIED> many sent
me emails asking to track you down. I'll explain later, but so glad
you're okay. I can't get into the liveaboard list... what the hell
is that all about??
Running from hurricanes left and right now for a MONTH... down here
in the Keys it has been HELL. Sitting in the Everglades right now
looking at alligators yawning while I'm fending off skeeters... but should be
returning home by Monday if Jeanne does her thing.
Love you so very, very much.
Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
Been out of the loop, on a satellite phone connected to the internet
so must hurry (a month of running from hurricanes, ya know!). Heard
from 'bella, if you haven't already. She's just fine.... I'll mail
ya when I have returned to port.
Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
Part IV: Ivan Gone; Waiting on Hurricane Jeanne
Hey my Darling Gramma Donna and Pappy Ray,
Sitting in the Flamingo Lodge in Cape Sable right now on dial up
internet that SUCKS like these friggen skeeters around here. DAYAM.
We have been up in Little Shark since last Friday and brought our
boat over here and it's safe and sound at the marina (A/C running
full blast) while we're in the Lodge taking long, long hot showers
and trying to forget that the skeeters are worse here than at the
Little Shark River.
People here say the skeeters are the worst they've seen (tell me
something I don't know!). We're doing fine but wanted to get word
to ya that all is well.
CONGRATULATIONS my Loves... I'm so very, very happy for ya. Now
tell me, how did I do in the baby pool? Not the date, as that was a
given... how close did I come with length and weight? Can't even
remember what I guessed.
So very happy for ya both... talk with ya again once we
get back to Marathon. Should be by Monday if Hurricane Jeanne
does her thing and gets the hell outta our way!
Love yaz...
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v
September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa So glad I gave ya a tickle, Love. Well that
oughta give em something to talk about... glad you forwarded that.
I suppose Lattitudes can take out the curse words and use $(#&*
or something... hahahahaaaaa
I WISH we could have made it back to the boat but remember, she
had to drive us from the marina to the Lodge. We didn't realize
how bad they really were til we were on our way to our room....
unfortunately! Live and learn.
Love you 'bella, and it is SO GOOD to be in touch with you again.
Sorry about your stint.... that sucks.... but not nearly as much as these bastid suckers around here... well I dunno, maybe so. Hope
you are doing well, my Sweet. I'll contact ya when we return to
home base.
Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
We're doing great, Sweet Betty. So glad to hear that Ernest is
well. He's a tough tree to shake, that's for sure. I'd put him up
just about anything and know he will be just fine.
We are in the Everglades still, have been hiding out from Hurricane
Ivan and faired quite well. However, now Hurricane Jeanne gave us
some alarm so we are reprovisioning in the Everglades National
Park (a mosquito infested hell hole, to say the very least). It's a
daymare! My goodness.
We believe Jeanne will pass the east coast of Florida and not hit us
in the Keys or southern Florida at this point. However, since we
have to wait for the all clear so we can sail our boat back to
Marathon, our home base. Don't wanna be out there in the middle
of the Gulf or Atlantic with some bizarre change in direction and be right
in the middle of it... oh no...
So good to hear from you. Kiss Ernest for me, will ya? Love you
both so very, very much. Will write later when we're back home.
Much Love,
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
If ya hadn't of sent that picture of you and the baby and somebody
told me they seen it fore I did.... well... you'd be in the mosquito
house! It did my heart proud to see you, darlin'... I tell you, I
cried with joy. Real tears too. Smooches
hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa Glad you got a giggle outta that.... tell Ray
he's right, there is only one Charmaine... and right about now, I
sure as hell would rather NOT be her.
P.S. You got the right idea... as to what to do while we're here...
can't get but three stations on the tube and I am not about to watch
the Tony Danza Show! Bill forgot my shampoo and toothpaste, but he
did remember to grab the vibrator.... So glad life holds
consolation prizes for us even in the worst of situations.
hahaaaaaaaaaaaa Love ya!
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
'cause we aren't.
hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa just kidding!
we're getting there... looks like Hurricane Jeanne
will be leaving us and going east... or let's hope
so... I sure don't like those U-turns she's
making... looks like around Thursday she
might be rearing her ugly head again.
Charmaine (& Bill.... The Mosquito Killers of the
(Almost back) Aboard s/v
September Sea)
From: s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Hey Sweetheart...
Back at our marina in Marathon. What an adventure!! Wow!
Unreal, Girl. I tell ya, there is a book here somewhere, that's for
Our trip to Everglades National Park ended quite well. Not
including the onslaught of mosquitos when the Lodge Manager decided
to help us with our luggage by driving right up to the door. Just
stirred up all the mosquitos in the grass. It was HORRIBLE.
Sailed back today, took us 11 hours and we hit a squall on the way
back. 35 knot winds and lightning .... awful. But then it passed
us enough for us to continue on into Boot Key Harbor. As I docked
September Sea I got hit with a 20 knot wind on my beam (the side of
the boat as I'm trying to go head first into my slip).... not a lot
of room for high winds when you got a boat on either side of ya and
you're slipping and sliding like crazy... but Captain Mainie did
it!! There were about 12 people on the dock watching us come in and
they all roared and clapped with approval. Life does hold some
consolations... hahaha
Just wanted to let you know we're back and safe and sound. Hope
all is well with you and Daddy and Mom. Gotta let the phone
recharge and I'll try to give you a jingle tomorrow.
All in all, we've gained a shitload of experience... life is good.
However, Aruba is sounding real good for next year's hurricane
season. Located at the 12th latitude they usually are hurricane
free (none since the early 50s and that wasn't a big one). I think
it might be nice to try that for next year, it's beautiful there.
Love you with all my heart...
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Did you receive the email entitled "Hurricane Hell and Mosquito
Madness." If not, I'll send it again.
We're back safe and sound... just got thing put away and
I'm smelling myself and it ain't good (but would make a great
deodorant commercial).
I got back and slid in the slip with the wind on my beam at 20
knots.... not ideal conditions but all went well. Captain Jack,
Kathy, Greg and Janet, Charlie and Janet, Bj and Denise, Little
Jack, etc. etc. were here to greet us and talk about how they all
have read the aforementioned email. hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa I tell ya, I
have NO secrets anymore!
Love you with all my heart. So glad everyone is doing well and we
all have somehow survived this onslaught of Father Nature (a woman
would have just killed us all).
Smooches my Love... big hugs to Ed and love to Dirk.
P.S. That email had a little thing in there about you and Babs....
let me know if you didn't get it and I'll send it again. It was
addressed to you and everybody in Marathon has read it... so
it would only be right that you get to read it too. hahahaaa
Love, love and more love!!
From: s/v September Sea
Date: 09/21/04 11:40:27
I hope you contact Guy while you are in Spld
From: Janet Cauble
10. Decorating the house (boarding up windows)
9. Dragging out boxes that haven't been used since last season -camping gear, flashlights8. Last minute shopping in crowded stores
7. Regular TV shows pre-empted for "specials"6. Family coming to stay with you
5. Family and friends from out-of-state calling4. Buying food you don't normally buy ... and in large quantities
3. Days off from work2. Candles
And the number one reason Hurricane Season is like Christmas...
1. At some point you know you're going to have a tree in your house!
PART VI: Life Goes On
From: s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
They nabbed the bastid. Below is the link is to the story that
has made National News.
Tuesday, September 21, 2004: Illinois Capitol-Shooting Suspect Nabbed
Breigh is doing fine, just wanting to move out of the apartment
building. Nothing wrong with the building and you can't pick
your neighbors. I'll get her to see that.... This guy is just a
nut and he could have been living anywhere.
She is fearful that he has some sort of evil
intent against her and her boyfriend Matt (the
guy shot up Matt's car while on his rampage).
He lives in the same building as Breighan and
Matt. Well for now, he's living at the Springfield
Jail and he ain't ever gettin out, that's for damn sure. They have
him on camera at Birds 'N Brooks, where he shot the owner of the gun
shop; on camera at the Capitol Building where he shot and killed
an unarmed security guard.
Thanks for all your prayers.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
Subject: RE: Suspect Nabbed
Date: 09/21/04 21:45:30
From: Donna Forrest
I know you just sit around waiting to see Captn. Jack for his SPEEDO, sweetheart!
I have to tell you
that last night Ray and I were sitting out on the front porch and I
came and checked email. I printed your
”Escape from
Everglades” and
walked out. I said to Ray, “Do you want me to read you Charmaine’s
latest?” He readily agreed that it generally kept him in stitches.
Well, honey, you outdid yourself this time. I was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down my face and Ray could hardly get his breath. Then later after we went to bed, both of us would just erupt in violent laughter at various intervals. Hell, you would think WE were the ones that were CRAZY….not YOU!
At least you can have the time of your lives when things are tough….and they have been a rough 6 weeks for all of you Florida residents. Your luck doesn’t seem to be improving with the Springfield story. Wait till this settles down before you fly up there to visit. With your luck, you would be right in the middle of that too! Glad Breighan is safe!
And, as for the Great White Hunter, Magnificent Pot Pie Cooker, you tell him I said he is a SAINT. Charmaine, you are a perfectly capable, intelligent female that is definitely able to fend for herself….but you must be fabulous at playing Scarlett and Bill, of course, is the steadfast Ashley Wilkes that is always rescuing you. I’m not certain….he could have a little Rhett in him also.
I don’t know what you will write about next….but you better figure out something. We have gotten quite used to this entertainment!
P.S. I guess Ashley will think twice before he goes on another “whim” of Scarlett’s that she got out of a Florida Cruising Guide. I can hear it now, “Now, Scarlett my dear, don’t you think we will be more comfortable here at Tara?”
From: s/v September Sea
In case ya missed it...
Newspaper cartoonists from across the country do
their thing regarding Dan Rather Not's big bungle. Scroll through them with the arrow on the bottom
of the page... LOTS of funnies at this site. Worth
every look! Love yaz...
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
Subject: New Florida Tag
As an old Italian Mafia Don lay dying he called
his grandson to his bed. "Grandson, I wanna you lisin to me. I
wanna for you to take my chrome plated .38 revolver so you will
alaways remembera me."
"But," whined the grandson, "I really don't like
guns, Grandpa. How about leaving me your Gold Rolex Watch
"You lisinna to me," responded the Don. "Somma
day you goina be runna da bussiness. You gonna have a beautiful
wife, lotsa money, a biga home and maybe a couple of bambino.
Somma day you gonna coma home and maybe finda you
wife in bed with another man. Whatta you gonna do then? Pointa
to you watch and say, 'Times up?'"
Well Hurricane Jeanne is back here again. Time's up for this sailing crew sitting comfortably in their marina slip at Dockside with the air conditioning going full blast and popcicles in the freezer. It's time again to.... RUN! (Whenever I see "RUN" I think of "Run Forest, Run!"). Dayam this hurricane season is something else. From my other emails you may recall that when we returned to Marathon from Little Shark this last time... (what am I thinking: I mean when we ESCAPED from the Everglades) we knew the likely possibility that Hurricanne Jeanne would be coming back around by the end of this week. Sho' nuff.... the end of this week is approaching and so is Hurricane Jeanne. Here's a postcard that is making circulation on the internet. So funny.... Sure seems to be true!
Here's the link where you can track Jeanne: http://www.wunderground.com/tropical/tracking/at200411_5day.html I'm sure we'll be just fine. Little Shark River makes you pay dearly (in pints of blood, no less) for its protection from hurricanes.... and all things considered... it is a small price to pay considering what it provides us. If Jeanne remains on this track we will be leaving here tomorrow morning and heading to well... you know where! The good thing is that it's the weekend and we needed an excuse to get back out sailing anyway.... (perfect example of the benefits of positive rationalization). Love you all and will stay in touch. All those along the east coast... and I do mean anywhere on the east coast.... strap your bras double tight and hold on! We'll get through it... Jeanne is a Category 2 right now and may very well be a 3 or even 4 by the time she hits land. Bill and I pray for each and every one of you in harm's way. Prepare, prepare, prepare for the worst. That's the best thing you can do: be prepared for the worst. Things can only get better when you're sitting rock bottom. I can hear that thumping beat of Disco Princess Gloria Gaynor ('cause Donna Summer was Queen). Seems like the lyrics should go more like this: "I Will Survive" And I grew strong Should not have come back to the Keys Oh no, not I
and so shall we all. Smooches and Hugs and Hugs and Hugs
Charmaine (& the Great White Hunter honin' his skeeter killin'
skills) Aboard s/v September Sea
Never use a cannon to shoot a mosquito. Also, do you know about Benadryl gel? It works on bites here. (I would hope LSR mosquitoes are no more potent--just more aggressive). .. just don't scratch bites until you get the Benadryl on.
Old age and cunning will triumph over youth and enthusiasm every time.
From: s/v September Sea
Old native Indian trick was to use vinegar on bites... works like a
charm. The vinegar smell dissipates quickly and doesn't burn when
applied. We've learned our lessons well... September Sea is fully
outfitted with netting over the entire boat. The only problem we
had was when Bill had to get up in the mangroves to tie the chains
to the tree trunks. So we have outfitted Mr. Bill so that he looks
like Steve Irwin on steroids: Aussie tan long pants, Beau Geste hat,
rugged long-sleeved shirt with anti-mosquito penetrating vents in
the back, full head netting and gloves. We're ready to do battle.
Thanks for the tips though... may come in handy if those pesky
bastids sneak up on me thru the big boob factor. Those hurt!
Love yaz and take care you two... we'll let you know when we leave
and will be back in touch as soon as we return. Say some prayers
Mike and Sandee... this one looks nasty. She's turning flip flops
in mid ocean and coming ashore with a vengeance to make up for lost
time. All of the east coast is vulnerable... you never know what
these hurricanes will do.... or where.
Much Love,
Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
OBTW...thanks for the vinegar tip.
It was great to hear
from you!!! I am so glad that you all survived these crazy
storms!! Thank God for Little Shark, who keeps saving you
all and September Sea!!!!!
Our family just got
back from Il. on Monday night. We spent about 5 days there.
Nick, Dave and Stephanie Ketchum's son got married.
We had a great time.
The kids had a blast!! Running non stop, and learning about
farming and harvesting!!!
When are you heading
back? How long are planning on staying there?
Did I tell you that
next summer I may be going with my church to Jamaica to
teach and help the less fortunate children there. I am
really looking forward to that!
Well I have little
miss. Cruzer hanging on me so I better boogie!
As I said it was so
great to hear from you and I am glad all is well.
We will talk to soon!
From: Jerry Eden
No "guys"... just me. I forgot you were old. Love ya anyway.... smooches from D.B.
Be safe my Darlings. Love you both with ALL my heart. We'll be
thinking of you and praying day and night... We'll get in touch
as soon as we can... you do the same. HUGE HUGS... so big the
internet can't even hold em all. Remember to call Breighan if
you need updates, we'll stay in touch with her via satellite
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
We are not in mainland Florida. We live in the Florida Keys, or
Conch (pronounced CONK) Republic as it is called. A series of islands that move
southwest from the continental U.S., with it's westernmost area
the famous Key West. On the map below, look at the little chain
of islands that are beneath the State of Florida... (looks like
a skinny tail) that's the Keys. We are located in Marathon,
which is on Vaca Key and is situated in the middle of the Keys.
We are 60 miles from Key West. As you can see, we're on the run
again... as the yellow area of the map show the potential strike
zone for Hurricane Jeanne by this weekend. We'll be leaving
early tomorrow morning for Little Shark River, which is located
about 40 miles directly north of Marathon (right outside the
southermost tip of the Florida mainland, where Cape Sable is).
I'll be in touch Darlin. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Much Love
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
Looking at the cone below showing the three and
five day potential track and risk areas, you'll note
that the Keys are outside of the area! The Keys are
the little tail of mainland Florida. We've decided
to stay put for the moment... things look good and
all the computer models are showing the hurricane
track even higher north of us.
So far... so good.... NOT so good for our great
friends up farther north on the east coast, however.
You all take care of yourselves and get out of
harm's way... please keep in touch with us so we
will know all is fine.
Love, Love and more Love.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: Krista Ketchum
Oh you have such a good spirit, through all
that you are going through you still keep me laughing!!!! I
will say a prayer for the three of you (bill you and sept.
sea). We will keep an eye on this one!!!
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
God love ya Janet.
The only cone I ever wanna see
when this is all over is an ICE CREAM CONE!
You and Greggers take care... we could stay through this
one, perhaps, but the experience in making the trek is
worth the trip... Actually, it's the stories that
inspire me that are really worth it! I'm gonna put all
this shit together in book form... just haven't figured
out what to call it. Right now we're on automatic pilot
and September Sea is ready to rock and roll. She's used
to it by now... and sadly, so are we! Dayam!
Love yaz... we'll see you when we get back. Be safe my
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Date: 09/25/04 22:07:18
Antoinette Genesis;
Dan Di & Danielle;
Danny y Debbie y Lobita;
Donna & Ray;
Dr. Dlugie;
Ernest & Betty;
Four Ladds;
jai lanre;
John Porter;
Katie & G-Man Charlie;
Krista Kay;
Liz on Espchiel;
My Price;
Reece & Dianna;
Shannon & Steve;
Shelly & Ken;
Tom & Ellen
Subject: Hurricane Jeanne
Hurricane Jeanne is half way through going across
Florida. Fortunately, down here in the Keys we've
seen 45 knots of wind max and not much in the way of
My heart goes out to those of you who are either in
the path or have loved ones in the path of Jeanne
(you know who you are and I'm on bended knees....
beggin PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE like James
Brown. Seriously... love you all so much. Take
extra special care with this one.
Jeanne has a smaller eye but still is stronger
than Frances or Charley. The good thing is that at
least she's hauling ass... moving at 14 mph,
a "slam-bam-thank-ya-m'am" kinda storm. Just
hold on, all of you who are awaiting Jeanne. It
seems as if she's not as bad as she could have
been... though we're still waiting for her backside
to cross and she is, after all, still a Category 3.
On the good side, she didn't intensify over the
Category 3 status... gotta count our blessings any
which way we can. Presently, the calm of her eye is
hovering over the east coast of Florida near
Stuart. The other side will surface soon, often
unleashing the most damaging winds. It still won't
be as bad as Ivan. He hit so hard.
Some places have been hit twice now in a matter of a
few weeks... incredible. This is really
unimaginable... but we all know that the seemingly
impossible can... and often does happen.
Just wanted to let you all know that we're hunkered
down just fine in the marina... Bj is staying with
landlubber friends and he's just fine. Also...
wanted to let you know that despite being smack
dab in four hurricanes within a six week
period... the sailing Life IS STILL a bowl of
The juice is so sweet... the taste so rejuvenating
.... I cannot mind having to spit out a few pits now
and again.
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v
September Sea
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 7:56 AM To: mikeg Subject: RE: Hurricane Jeanne
Just a heads up Tom and I are fine, He is going in for an MRI 10/2 on his back. Yesterday the boy who did this came back to school and the school was then notified by his grandmother that 3 weapons are missing from the house. The school believes he has them stashed some where around, but do you think that they would have him leave the school? NO! Instead they have an armed police officer walking him to classes. Can you believe how stupid this system is??? Putting peoples life in danger like that?? I’m so glad Tom can’t go back to school yet, because this kid is going to go off and some one is going to get hurt. Assholes!! Tom left this morning to go to the Mainland, we went to Home Depot this morning and bought a gas grill, propane, water, batteries, lanterns, etc. He is taking them up to his Dad who has had 1 week of elec. in the last month. Then going to drive him around to get food and meds and stuff that he needs. Tom’s sister Lynne did well, she is in Vero Beach, as is his Mom, who is still in the Hospital due to H. Frances. We don’t as of yet know if his mom’s house is standing, she lost 1/3 of it last time. Lynne had ordered shutters after Frances and they were delivered Friday, (how lucky!) the next day she went out to look and they had dents in them from debris. She had 2 big trees that were in her yard cut down, she just had a funny feeling she said, and that morning her next door neighbor who had the same trees had theirs fall over, but none hit her house, Thank the goddess!! One of my friends lost her boat. Her husband had just retired from the police force and she was do to retire from the force 11/04, they had sold everything they owned and were going to move down to the keys by Tom & I and live on their boat, good thing is they have insurance, and can replace it. This has been the worst season ever in Florida. Never has 2 Hurricanes hit in the same spot, Only once before and that was Texas, and who really cares about Texas. I know Mom, I know…..Well hope you enjoy the Florida humor below,
Kati Adams
These are various new Florida materials I've received lately. We'll be adopting some of these officially pretty soon.
From: Krista Ketchum
Date: 09/27/04 13:55:52
To: September Sea
Subject: Re: Hurricane Jeanne
Hey Charmaine,
WOW!!! I cannot believe how you and Bill and
September Sea keep on truckin'! I am glad to hear
that you are safe, as I was trying to figure out
exactly where you all were I thought you were
getting the worst of it. I am happy to hear other
How is the weather there now? Can you see a lot of
destruction? I could not believe that the Dolphins
played their game last night against the Steelers,
during the storm. ( actually it may have been sat)
Crazy guy's.
So I forget are you going to Il? If so when are you
Glad to hear all is good with you. Take care
Love ya,
From: s/v September Sea
Date: 09/27/04 17:38:02
To: Krista Kay
Subject: Re: Hurricane Jeanne
Hey my Sweet Krista,
Bj was at the game last night and had a
blast. Hurricane Jeanne did not hit the Keys
nor Miami. We had some winds, but otherwise no big
deal at all. We were fortunate. We have had only
high winds during Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan
and Jeanne. Charley was projected to hit the Keys
but veered away, thankfully.
So we have been just fine. Believe me, they would
not have played a football game in the middle of a
hurricane, hahaha.
Bj said the weather was fabulous and the game was
terrific, he was on the 50-yard line about 10 rows
up. He said the seats were awesome.
We should be getting to Springfield the first week
of November. October is a nasty month for
hurricanes down here, so we're gonna stick close to
our home base here during that time.
Hope all is well with you and the kids and that
Sweet Scott. Give everyone my love.
Smooches Darling!
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
To: "Breigh-Baby"
Subject: Thinking of YouDate: Sat, 2 Oct 2004 10:22:09 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Hey my Sweet Baby Breigh...
Just was thinking about you this morning. Thinking about how very, very much I miss you and love you. You're such a sweet, sweet soul, my darling daughter. Love you with all my heart.There was a day when innocence sheltered you from any feelings of sadness... so there was a genuinely happy and contented smile on your face every single day:
But now that you're all grown up you know that with life comes good times and bad. With life comes along much unfairness and injustice. Nothing hurts worse than an injustice that transpires and is beyond your control. The feeling of total helplessness. That's a feeling no one should have to experience until they are much closer to the grayer rungs in the ladder of life. But it was not to be. I would have given anything, anything... to keep you from one youthful tear that was not shed merely from joy and happiness.One of my favorite songs is "If I Could." I love it because it expresses exactly how I feel when it comes to my baby girl. You might remember it because Ray Charles remade it a few years ago (not the song of the same title that Seal sang) and I bought the CD. It's just the perfect song to reiterate my feelings to you:
If I could
I'd protect you from the sadness in your eyes
Give you courage in a world of compromise
Yes, I would
If I could
I would teach you all the things I've never learned
And I'd help you cross the bridges that I've burned
Yes, I would
If I could
I would try to shield your innocence from time
But the part of life I gave you isn't mine
I've watched you grow
So I could let you go
If I could
I would help you make it through the hungry years
But I know that I can never cry your tears
But I would
If I could
If I live
In a time and place where you don't want to be
You don't have to walk along this road with me
My yesterday
Won't have to be your way
If I knew
I'd have tried to change the world I brought you to
And there isn't very much that I can do
But I would
If I could
If I could
I would try to shield your innocence from time
But the part of life I gave you isn't mine
I've watched you grow
So I could let you go
If I could
I would help you make it through the hungry years
But I know that I can never cry your tears
But I would
If I could
Yes I would
Yes I would
If I could
If I could
Oh Baby Momma's coming to protect you
To help my baby through the hungry years
Cause you're a part of me
And if you ever, ever need me
Just call me
Cause I would
If I Could
Love, Momma
Aboard s/v September Sea
Everything else is just wonderful...Matty still makes me laugh and I love that about him. I can't wait for you to meet him, he is really looking forward to meeting you. I know you are coming home around the time of Ed and Ann's anniversary, they were married Oct. 30th. Weird, I know. Anyway, all is well here. Tell everyone I love them and miss them, can't wait to see them.
Love ya all!
From: John Porter
Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in
the seventh largest country in the world,
Mexifornia formally known
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
White minorities still trying to have
English recognized as
Mexifornia's third language.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Spotted Owl plague threatens northwest
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Baby conceived naturally . . . scientists stumped.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Last remaining Fundamentalist Muslin dies in the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
85-year, $75.8 billion study: Diet and Exercise is the
key to weight loss.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Japanese scientists have created a camera with such a
fast shutter speed, they now can photograph a woman with
her mouth closed.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates
their civil rights.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Average height of NBA players now nine feet, seven
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
New federal law requires that all nail clippers,
screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers must
be registered by January 2036.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Congress authorizes direct deposit of formerly illegal
political contributions to campaign accounts.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Capitol Hill intern indicted for refusing to have sex
with congressman.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: Re: hurricane Jeanne Round Two
Hi All,
Great news, no damage to the boat to speak of...I'm
doing fine getting ready
to leave for the Annapolis boat show and then bring
the b oat back to
Marathon sometime after Oct 15..fingers crossed the
Atlantic stays quiet.
Here's some pictures for you to marvel at! Whew what
a storm..
Don thanks again for all of your wonderful support
during and after the
storms! xxxxooooo
Marti B
When disaster strikes, ham radio rules!
Part VII: Back to Normal?
From: s/v
September Sea
Sent: Tuesday,
October 05, 2004 11:03 AM
To: 'Ris;
beautiful 'bella; Bjayzus; Breigh-Baby; Captain Jerry; Chris
& Yanni; Danny y Debbie y Lobita; Donna & Ray; Dunc;
Enyo; Ennie; jai lanre; Janet & Greggers; John
Porter; Kathy & Capt Jack; Katie & G-Man Charlie; Krista
Kay; Letitia; Liz on Espchiel; marathonflorist; Mom
& Dad Ladd; My Honey; My Price; Randy; Reece & Dianna;
Scottie; Shannon & Steve; Staci my Sistah; Suzi; Kati
Subject: NOW
They Grow on Trees
Oh sure.... NOW they grow on trees! This is a real tomato plant.... unreal, huh?
Somebody should get a blue ribbon for these one from the N.O.W.
P.S. Who cares these tomatoes just happen to be growing on a grape vine??!! Hahaha.
Charmaine (& Bill) Aboard s/v September Sea |
Hey Sweetie,
Where do you order THESE from?
From: Krista Ketchum
Not sure if you all are republican? Hope so!!!!
This is sooooo FUNNY!!!!!
From: Krista Ketchum
Date: 10/07/04 13:22:58
To: September Sea
Subject: Re: Hurricane Jeanne
From:s/v September Sea
Date: 10/21/04 11:54:42
To: Letitia and Bill Anderson
Subject: Re: Thinking of You
From: Kathleen & Jim Aboard s/v Drummer
Date: 10/22/04 11:21:08
To: s/v September Sea
Subject: October 22, 2004
Hello Bill and Charmaine, just a quick note to let you know
we are doing great. We just spent a week with Michael and
Cynthia. We captained/crewed a 47 foot catamaran sailboat
in the British Virgin Islands and had a blast. Cynthia is
wonderful and we are very glad she is spending her life with
Michael. We are back in Salinas, Puerto Rico getting
Drummer ready to head east and then south. Hurricane season
is just about over and we are excited about sailing south
for the winter. Marconi and Schooner are fine. We have a
list that is more than a page long of all the things to be
done before we take off. We think we will be ready to roll
in a week or so. It looks like we will be out of Puerto
Rico by November for sure. It's nice to be active with
immediate goals to accomplish. Life is great. Hope all is
well with you. Keep us posted. We love you, Kathleen and
From:s/v September Sea
Date: 10/25/04 13:49:10
To: Katheen & Jim Aboard s/v Drummer
Subject: Re: October 22, 2004
Monday, October 25th 2004
Hello my Darlings!
SO GOOD to hear from you. We knew you would have a
blast on the cat... sometimes something different
is really a welcome breeze of fresh air. How wonderful.
You said 47-footer.... I'm thinking of what cat you
were on. A Norseman perhaps? Lagoon makes a 47. Wausquiez
too. There are a lot of companies, now that I think of
it, that make 47-footers. Okay so tell me which make it
was. Remember, we explored cats before we bought
September Sea. We really thought we'd like them more
and it took some time, but monohulls finally won
us over.
By the way, we lost count of all the charter cats we saw
anchored outside and/or going into Boot Key Harbor.
LOTS of em. You can tell they're chartered by the names
on the side (i.e., THE MOORINGS; SUNSHINE, etc.).
But the people in them seemed to know what they were
doing and having a lot of fun doing it! How thrilled we
were to see all those cats and think of
you two!!
We're both so happy for the two of you... sounds like
you had an absolutely fabulous time. We just got in from
being out since last Thursday night. Had a wonderful,
wonderful time. The weather is just gorgeous (low 80s,
wonderful dry, cool, breeze). Just breathtaking. We
stayed out last night and came in this morning just
about two hours ago. We normally get in on Sunday late
afternoon, but it was so lovely out there... with all
that fresh air, we decided to hold off and come in this
morning so we could have one more night...
Glad we did. Cool all night long and just
breathtaking. The moon is nearly full and the sky is
lit up so that it appears to be twilight all night long.
You can see everything. It really was just stunning to
watch and enjoy. I had told Bill the night before
last that I heard something expelling a lot of air
through the night... no... not THAT kind of air,
LOL. Gas and air are not the same. hahahaa Okay,
okay. Anyway, the night before last I could hear this
air being expelled and then huge splashes. I thought it
had to be dolphins, but never saw them around the boat
that late or staying with us for so long when anchored
out there at night. Bill got up about 5 am and sat
up on the deck and told me that he too heard what I
heard. He then saw, as the sun was coming up, a pod of
dolphin swimming out toward the Lighthouse. For
whatever reason they were very content with flanking us
the whole time we were out there anchored. Just a real
nice feeling. Nature. Incredible, isn't it? We
are heading to Illinois this Friday... FINALLY. After
putting this trip off three times, we're finally going
to make it. Breighan is just beside
herself. Our grandson is slapping me high fives over
the telephone ("Hurry up, Choc-late Grandma!!"). He's
too much.
The last time I talked to him he told me that he needed
to speak to me in private; so he walked with the
cordless phone into the bathroom at his house
"Choc-late Grandma," .... pause.... "Yes my
"Cho-late Grandma there is this girl at my school namd
Jennifer and she chases me all day long. I think she
loves me and I don't like her one bit." I had to
"Well Boo, is she cute?"
"Not to ME!"
"Well, is she smart?"
"Not to ME!"
"Okay Boo... well maybe if you stop running she can't
chase you."
"Choc-late Grandma, that won't work. I just don't like
her and she loves me I think somebody needs to go to
double-u, double-u, double-u.jennifer-leave-me-alone.com
hahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I almost died laughing, then when
I was laughing and couldn't hide it, he says...
"Choc-late Grandma, will you PLEASE be quiet! Papa
will HEAR you!"
He swore me to secrecy, Papa and Daddy Bj could NOT know
about this. Oh my, I tell ya. Out of the mouths of
babes. He must have felt a bit better about it later
because Bj said the next time he talked to him Boo told
him too about this "Jennifer." I tell ya, the hands of
time will change so many used-to-be-girl-hater minds.
Love you two so much and so very, very happy to know
that you're fine and doing well. Glad that Marconi and
Schooner are fairing well too. Lucky cats!!
Smooches to you both and HUGE, HUGE HUGS. We love you
so very, very much. Thanks for keeping us
posted. Did you get all the email about our Shark River
adventures? Probably overloaded ya... oops! What a
time we had. We ll have to talk soon about all that...
so much to tell you. I'll tell you this, we must have
mentioned your names about 20 times during all that. AT
Love you and Miss you,
Bill and Charmaine Aboard s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
Date: 10/27/04 17:01:50
Subject: Re: Your Trip Back t Illinois
s/v September Sea
Date: 10/30/04 13:08:48
Antoinette Genesis;
beautiful 'bella;
Chris & Yanni;
De Lynn;
Donna & Ray;
Dr. Dlugie;
Ernest & Betty;
jai lanre;
Janet & Greggers;
John Porter;
Kathy & Capt Jack;
Krista Kay;
Liz on Espchiel;
Mom & Dad Ladd;
Reece & Dianna;
Shannon & Steve;
Staci my Sistah;
Sweet " Hoadie " Michelle;
Tom & Ellen;
Subject: From Springpatch USA
From: s/v September Sea
Date: 11/03/04 19:56:44
To: Maurice Smith
Subject: Re: From Springpatch USA
From: Maurice Smith
Date: 11/05/04 11:26:57
To: s/v September Sea
Subject: Re: From Springpatch USA
Hey Mainey & Bill, We
WILL stop by on Saturday. As far as Diane Helms,
I've been trying to get in touch with Chuck since
the last e-mail I sent you. I think I'll stop by his
as well as his Mom,s house when we come to "Springpatch" to
see what's up with Diane. Love Ya, Reece & Dianna
From: s/v September Sea
To: All the Gang
Sent: November 01,
2004 9:08 AM
From: s/v September Sea
Date: 11/01/04 12:44:06
To: Steve Ladd
Subject: Re: florida voting
From: s/v September Sea
Date: 11/02/04 03:14:49
J Doughtery
Subject: Thank You!
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for your email.
I am truly amazed at the volume of responses
I've received regarding my rather
spontaneous reply to the "Boycott the Muslim
Stamp" email. I'm very happy to tell you
all the responses have been very positive,
much like yours. Many also admitted
they simply hit the delete key and let such
things go... as they're so disgusted. It's
so true: we often don't know what to say or
do to help others see what they're (often
unwittingly) perpetuating.
THANK YOU for your very kind words. I will
continue to stand up and attempt to
stimulate others to THINK before they help
spread such ridiculousness. Many
intelligent, loving and caring people have
passed that "Boycott" email to me and they
didn't even realize its ramifications. Yet
they passed it along anyway! Makes
no sense at all. It's as if they are in an
"internet forwarded-email trance," not even
really reading what they are passing along
or making sense of it. Our youth who read
it and see it continually being forwarded by
so many will undoubtedly think they too
should be "anti-Muslim." We cannot allow
this to go on!
Again, thank you for letting me know
how you feel. I truly do appreciate it.
Please feel free to reprint my original
reply as you see fit.
My very best to you and yours... and a
big hug for your Muslim friend.
Charmaine Smith Ladd
Aboard s/v September Sea
From: Kathleen and Jim Aboard s/v Drummer
Date: 11/02/04 13:09:06
To: s/v September Sea
Subject: On the road again
Tuesday, November 2
Happy Election Day. We are in Culebra having made some very
good distance on Saturday and Sunday. We sailed about 36
miles the first day and another 30 on the second. This puts
us about 20 miles away from St. Thomas and approximately 60
miles from Virgin Gorda. It's satisfying to have made some
miles. Yesterday and today are rest days here in Culebra. The
winds are blowing better than 20 knots from the east - and
of course, that's the direction we need to head. Too much
for fun sailing. Tomorrow is forecast to moderate just a bit
and so we plan to sail on to St. Thomas.
The cats did pretty well on the passage days. We have been
thinking that Marconi is getting seasick and so dosed him
with a small amount of children's liquid Benedryl (our
Louisiana vet's recommendation). BAD IDEA! Although he did
get through the day a little drowsy and with no evidence of
sea sickness, the initial effect was frightening. He jerked
as if he had been shot and then started major foaming at the
mouth. We were horrified! When that calmed down, we tried
to get him to eat and he either wouldn't or couldn't. I
think the medicine had blown away his smell and he just
couldn't find anything of interest in his food. He was
reluctant to eat on Monday as well, but today he is back to
his normal eat-everything-really-fast self.
Yes, we did get your great emails about the Little Shark
experience. We laughed a lot and were VERY glad that you
did that one on your own without us! I'm sure that your
trip to Illinois was fun and that you are now "family"
refreshed. Boo sounds like he is a hoot just like his
chocolate grandmother. All's well and we miss you guys a
lot. Wish you were here. Kathleen and Jim
A couple were invited to a swanky
masked Halloween Party. She got a terrible
headache and told her husband to go to the party
alone. He, being a devoted husband, protested,
but she argued and said she was going to take
some aspirin and go to bed and there was no need
of his good time being spoiled by her not going.
So, he took his costume and away he went.
The wife, after sleeping soundly
for one hour, awakened without pain and since it
was still early, she decided to go to the party.
Since her husband did not know what her costume
was, she thought she would have some fun by
watching her husband to see how he acted when
she was not with him.
She joined the party and soon
spotted her husband cavorting around on the
dance floor, dancing with every nice chick he
could and copping a little feel here and a
little kiss there. His wife sidled up to him.
and being a rather seductive lady herself, he
left his partner high and dry and devoted his
time to the new stuff that had just arrived.
She let him go as far as he
wished. Finally he whispered a little
proposition in her ear and she agreed. So off
they went to one of the cars and had sex.
Just before the unmasking at
she slipped away and went home and put the
costume away and got into bed, wondering what
kind of explanation he would make for his
behavior. She was sitting up reading when he
came in and asked him what kind of time he had.
He said, "Oh, the same old thing. You know I
never have a good time when you're not there."
Then she asked, "Did you dance much?" He
replied, "I'll tell you, I never even danced one
dance. When I got there, I met Pete, Bill Brown
and some other guys, so we went into the den and
played poker
You're not gonna believe what happened to
the guy who borrowed my costume!
Bill and Charmaine
Not Aboard s/v September Sea but visiting family
and friends
in Springpatch, USA
From: s/v September Sea
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 9:03 AM
The Rodeo Position
Two cowboys were out on the range...
talking about their favorite
positions. One said, "I think I enjoy the
rodeo position the
"I don't think I have ever heard of that
one," said the other cowboy.
"What is it?" "Well, it's where you get your wife down on all fours and you mount her from behind...
"Then you reach around and cup
one of her breasts in your
and whisper in her ear:
"Darlin' these feel damn near
as good
as your
"Then you try and stay
on for 8 seconds."
Charmaine & Bill Aboard s/v September Sea |
From: Wally Hamlin
Date: 11/09/04 11:13:23
To: s/v September Sea
Subject: RE:
funny we missed you at 1pm on sat
as honestly we forget sorry are you
guys happy to be back on the september sea
From: s/v September Sea
Hey my Wally!
Hailey and Alex would have had a blast on
Saturday at the hotel. Seems like everybody
showed up and we had a room full of folks up in
there! My brother Maurice, who lives in
Champaign, came by with his wife Dianna; my
bestfriend Iris and her daughter Alison (our
God-daughter) along with her little one, our
Great-God-daughter Hailey. Our grandson Will
was there... in rare form! hahahaa Lots of
other good friends stopped by, it was just
wonderful. Also, my sister Cheyenne brought by
a mess of Daddy's hamhocks and greens and Lord
have mercy we were in hog heaven, quite
literally! The kids would have gotten a
cultural experience they'd never forget! All
good! So sorry ya couldn't make it... next time
I'll call ya so you'll be there!
Great fun!
So good to be back aboard September Sea. She
was just sitting her waiting for us. It is so
wonderful down here. It's 76 degrees today and
just a sun shiny, lovely day. Everyone is happy
we're back. I'm glad we got to see no snow
while in the Heartland... only cold rain and
some hail was more than enough for me!
Thank you for a wonderful dinner, Wally. You
and Dawn and Mike are the best to us. We really
appreciate all you do!
Loving you,
Charmaine (& Bill)
Aboard s/v September Sea
Charmaine (&
s/v September Sea
From: s/v September Sea
From: orlandra lonie
Received your message, too funny! It was good to talk to you on the phone too bad Cheyenne's phone went dead I was unable to get your phone number. I'll be in Springfield on the 20th for a baby shower and birthday party, I plan to stop by and see Uncle Robert Smith and Cheyenne. The next time you two lovebirds are in town for the weekend be it chicago or springfield give me a call and maybe we could hook up. (Florida's never too far to travel for friends) Danielle wants me to give her phone number to you so you can in turn give it to Brianna she sends her love. Well don't want to take up too much of your time.
Lets Keep in Touch Lanny Home 000-000-0000 Cell 000-000-0000
Girl it was
too good hearing from you! Seems like it's beeen forevah.
hahahaha Lov you so much and love my Danielle.
I forwarded
your email to Breighan and she will be so excited! She has
wondered for so long what the hell happened to her
wonderful to be back in touch again.
Girl, you
need to come down here and visit us. Cheyenne and
Daddy will be so happy to see you when you get over there.
You know Mom isn't doing very well, but you know... you
certainly know all about that caring for Uncle Otto as you
did. Terrible.
Lord I miss
your Mom and Dad so much. The times we had! Your
Mother was just wonderful to us kids, so was your Dad. I
mean we all grew up as cousins, and half of Springfield
still thinks your mom Elaine and my mom Essie were sisters!
I tell ya.
Love you
more than you'll ever know... and I mean that!
Give my love
to Dwight when you hear from him. Tell him we have thought
of him often. Be sure to kiss my sweet God-Daughter
Danielle and does she
have an
email addy? If so, pass it along and I'll add her to my
list of those to keep "in the know."
Charmaine &
Aboard s/v September Sea
From: Peggy & Edwin Aboard m/v TIEMPO
Back to normal.
Ah yes! Now as I read this all again, I'm thinking that the Hurricane Season is going to be on us again all too soon... Way too soon! [Update 2005: Boy, was I right on that one!!]
Well.... let's hope there's never one again like the Season of 2004.
Hope you enjoy being here, and hope you come back often.